Breakfast with rules

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Im not sure how long I've been down here. It could be hours or perhaps a day or two. My throat was dry from lack of drinking anything and it hurt whenever I moved my neck or swallowed thanks to Erik choking my name out of me. My wrist where swore and most likely bruised sinced they keep randomly bleeding then stopping. My shoulders ached from being in the same position with my arms above my head. Worst of all however, was the fact that if I was forced to stay down here like this for much longer id snap. I hated the dark, and I hated the cold and most of all I hated the deafening silence that this room held. It was almost as if sound itself was terrified of what could lay in ominous darkness surrounding me.

What felt like years but was probably only a hour passed and I heard the footsteps. They where getting close and soon I heard the sound of a door opening. A candle was lit with a match again, the beautiful flame burning bright on the wick, chasing the darkness away. I was so entranced by the candle light that I didn't notice Erik open the cell door until he was right in front of me, crouching so he could look me in the eyes with his terrifying ones.

"Alright Hope, three days down here is probably enough to let you know its not pleasant." he chuckled darkly. "Now, I'm going to let you come upstairs to eat, drink, and shower. If you dare to step out of line you will be punished." he warned.

I nodded, eager to leave this horrid cell, even though his words enraged me. I didn't understand why he seemed to think he could treat me like a child. If I wasn't in so much pain id challenge him, but as of right now I figured id play it smart and gain my strength back up.

He chuckled again, putting that same infuriating smirk back on his lip. He then quickly unclaimed my wrist, letting them fall limp on my lap before he yanked me to my feet. I stood still for a moment as my head swam from being suddenly pulled up. Once my head had cleared I realized Erik was waiting for me at the door with a glare.

"you coming darling?" he called impatiently.

I nodded and walked quickly to the door. Once there he ushered me through it and up a set of stairs. I soon found myself in a hardwood hallway with plain white walls. Erik started pushing my down the hall so I compiled and walked a bit faster until we reached a beautifully spacious kitchen with black marble counters and flooring.

"Sit there I'll make you something just this once, after this your responsible for your food, and mine." Erik explained as he pushed me towards the counter and a small black stool.

I sat at the stool for a while, watching him make what I believe to be eggs with cheese. A few moments later and a plate of eggs was set in front of me along with a glass of orange juice. I mumbled a small thank you then started eating. while I was eating Erik announced that he was going to go over the rules of the house, whatever that meant.

"alright darling there are three simple rules-

1. do not try to escape or resist in any way or form

2. always listen to me, no matter how much you hate the order

3. understand that I am above you, your just a petty human."

the way he said the word human made him look up at him in a confused manner. It was almost as if he was suggesting he wasn't human, but that was stupid, of course he was human, just because he was obviously crazy doesn't mean he could possibly be inhuman. right? I thought about the rules and rage filled me, making me throw a glare at Erik, surprised when I found him smirking back as though he was waiting for my glare. He then started chuckling quietly and darkly.

"oh my darling Hope, you'll prove to be quite interesting"

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