Watch your tongue

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As I was dusting the curtains in the living room, minding my own business and to be truthful, kinda zone out, I felt a light tap on my shoulder that made me jump and turn around to see Castro with a kind but dazed smile on his face.

"I apologize for startling you, its just I dont eat human food and I have no wish to sit in there as they partake in eating breakfast. I figured id come and socialize with you, it does not bother me that your human as long as you can provide a decent conversation."

I stared at him for a moment, taking in his untroubled smile and slightly dazed eyes then nodded. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get to know Eriks friends, I might be able to appeal to their sense of mercy and they'll help me.

"If you don't eat human food why do they?" I questioned, generally interested.

He gave me a day dreamers smile as he answered, "they were all once human before, besides Julian, so they just haven't bothered to break the habit. Julian just thinks it taste good and treats it like a past time."

"So you were never human?"

"No, little Hope, fallen angels are never mortal....maybe that's why we find you mortals so interesting, because we've never experienced mortality." He hmms to himself and looks me, "though mortals are interesting to vampires to, vampires enjoy keeping humans for their own amusement and blood, though in rare cases they fall in love even though its looked down upon and the human is always turned"

"What about fallen angels? can they love a human?"

"Oh sure, but they rarely do since there's no way to turn a human into a fallen angel so if it does happen it causes severe heart ache to the fallen angel. You see we used to be divine creatures so our hearts love differently and hurt differently, many fallen angels die from broken hearts." He explained, an odd look in his eyes.

  It sounded sad, because despite his friendship with Erik I couldn't bring myself to dislike Castro, he had to much of a nice guy aura coming off him.

Footsteps could be heard and soon the other three were in the room.

"Told you he'd be in here." Julian grunted out while glaring at me, he then gestured to Castro, "he enjoys the company of humans." The way he said human, as if we were some horrid rodent species ticked me off and I scowled at him.

" At least he has some manners." I blurted before thinking.

Erik, who had been standing with James by the couch came walking over and glared at me, "you will not talk to my guest in that manner, Hope." His voice was calm but stern. It ticked me off.

"I can talk to him however I want you don't own me, you don't control me, you kidnapped me and I swear ill escape even if I die trying!"

I heard it before I felt it, the loud sound of skin hitting skin, then a sharp pain in my cheek that sent my head to the side and my mouth filled with the metallic taste of blood because I bit my cheek. he hit me again. this boy had a death wish, I held my hand over my aching right cheek and glared.

Erik stood in front of me his eyes black and filled with fury, "watch your tongue, darling or you'll be re-acquainted with the chains downstairs, now I suggest you go do something productive"

I ran from the room but I glanced around before I left, Julian was smirking, Castro had a look of pity and James looked calm. I just needed to find something to do,it won't do me any good to get myself chained again. I settled with mopping the floors upstairs, my cheek still stung but I refuse to cry or show him of form of weakness. I have to stay strong to survive.

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