The friends of a vampire

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    Ok, so starting my plan for escape which consisted of gathering nonpersishable food and some money and -regrettably - figuring the rest out as I go was, to be fair, going to be a lot harder than I had anticipated.

This fact became aware to me when I was yanked out of bed (literally) by Erik at 6am sharp this morning. Only to be forced to redo the cleaning I did in the guest rooms just to be sure and then forced to start an extensive breakfast that consisted of eggs, pancakes and bacon along with the traditional sides.(cheese, syrup, powdered sugar, butter, salt, pepper..etc) This to most might not seem very extensive but lets keep in mind that I'm a seventeen year old girl whom often over cooks her ramen  noodles, so yeah, it was hard and it consisted of a lot of cursing from me and a lot of laughing from Erik.

Eventually at about 9am I had managed to produce a decent enough breakfast and had set the table just in time for the doorbell to ring and Erik to jump up from his previous spot of sitting lazily on the counter with his chin on his hand so he could watch, or more like laugh at me.

Erik declared that he wanted me to just stand and look pretty while he got his friends. In which I was all too happy to oblige, I didn't want to meet the vampires friends anyway. However it seemed Erik had a different plan that became clear to me as he lead three men all around Erik age, being about nineteen, into the dinning room.

"Hope these are my...ah...friends in a sense. James, Castro and Julian "

I just stood there for a moment which seemed to anger Erik for he sent a quite growl in my direction causing me to look at him in what one could easily mistaken as fear but in reality it was confusion and annoyance, what did he expect me to do? bow? probably, knowing him.

A light chuckle came from the one he addressed as James and the boy smiled kindly, "new human, I take it Erik? do go easy on her she quite a pretty thing." His voice was soft and kind, unlike Eriks which was deep and cold. This boy had dark bluish hair and crystal blue eyes that were so bright they were a bit unsettling. his skin was a pale white just like Eriks and his face seemed to be permanently in a calm kind smile, as if the whole world was his friend. He was wearing something you would see someone from the Victorian era wearing, hat and all.

"New or not she should show respect." A deep voice growled, and my attention was turned to the boy Erik introduced as Julian.  He had light blonde hair that was tousled and fell slightly over his intense green eyes. his skin was tanned gold and he wore a displeased scowl as ge looked me over. He was wearing a tight blue shirt that said 'did I ask your opinion?'. with blue jeans and black shoes. The guys tone and appearance was enough to tell me I should steer clear of him.

The last boy, Castro, just stood there in a kind of daze with a calm smile on his lips. He had light blonde hair the was kinda messy and fell onto his forehead, his eyes were a pretty blue-violet. he was kinda pale but not really,.and he was quite tall. He wore a travelers cloak over a plain black shirt and he had on dark pants with boots.  "hmmm its Eriks human he can do as he wish." he mused in a bored tone.

I was too wrapped up in staring at them to really care what the conversation was about, they looked human enough but they all gave of an inhuman feeling. Erik got my gaze and my confusion must have been obvious on my face for he explained while chuckling,

" James is a vampire like me, Castro is a fallen angel and Julian is a demon."

Oh joy I loved the thought of more potentially dangerous supernatural creatures, note the sarcasm. James seemed to be nice enough and Castro seemed slightly off, but id definitely wanted to avoid Julian.

Erik told his guest to sit and enjoy their breakfast, he then told me to tidy the living room up so they could discuss things. As I was walking away I couldn't help but wonder what the threes arrival could to me, would it be helpful or disastrous?

((( A/N: ok so new characters, what do you think about them? would you like them to stay permanently or just for a short amount of time? Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments, I won't be able to answer them becausey phones a jerk but I can read them :) thanks for reading )))

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