Chapter 2

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Dad got a job down the road at the local arts and crafts store. He spends most of the money he earns on food we do NOT like. He usually brings home art stuff for me and my brother Randy. All Randy does is decorate his walls, floors, and himself with glittery rainbow splotches. But I’m more artistic than giant splotches. I personalised my room and furniture with pretty stuff, and wrote ‘Scarla’ on my wall, decorated my windows with stickers and geleez, and also I painted my furniture white, grey, and black. Mum usually tells me to go to school, or I won’t have a good reputation. I told her that I had a very good reputation thank you very much. Why should I listen to her? She’s gone to Uni to learn to be a doctor. SHE never goes to HER classes! Why should I? And anyway, I got rid of my uniform, even though no one at our school wears uniform. But after 2 hours of quarrelling, I decided I would go tomorrow. I laid out my newest outfit, and modelled it for mum. She didn’t approve, so of course I was going to wear it. I said thanks and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up late and rushed to get changed, eat, and put my makeup on. By the time I got there, I was 10 minutes late for school. I ran into my first class, and a bunch of heads turned around and stared at me. A bunch of heads 3 years above me that is. Like, as in year 12! What was a year 12 class doing in my classroom? Then I realised; I was following the wrong timetable. Whoops!

As I backed out of the classroom, a boy yelled out:
“Nice skirt!” Confused, I looked back at him and smiled nervously.
“Okay… thanks?” I ran out of the room while everyone sniggered at me.

Walking down the hallway, I glanced at my timetable. Math. D17. I looked down at the floor and discovered that my skirt was twisted, so I adjusted it and smoothed the back, and felt a giant hole on my butt! I groaned and pulled my skirt up, then pulled my sweater down, to hide the hole.

As soon as I rushed in, my class looked at me and turned back around. I found this quite unusual, as I was usually admired by everyone. I cleared my throat and said,
“Um, hello? It’s Scarla! You know, popular girl? Beautiful girl?? AWESOME GIRL???”
No one seemed to notice me. I stamped my foot on the ground and yelled,

Mrs Alison turned around and shushed me. No one EVER shushed Scarla Daniels! EVER !!! So of course I told her off.

“Mrs Alison, don’t you DARE shush ME! I am the only civilised person in this room! The girl that makes sure there are no fashion crimes in this school!” I smirked. “But YOU miss, have committed a SERIOUS fashion crime!” She looked like she was about to explode! *DING!*  I glanced down at my phone.

❤Jessica: 9:30am
Scarla! Why?! Ur obviously getting a detention now! 😟

Me: 9:30am
Does it look like I care? 😬

❤Jessica: 9:31am
Uh... Yeah. What do u think ur parents would say?

Me: 9:32am
Since when did u become my mum?!

I glared at Jessica, and she looked down.
“Scarla! I’m very disappointed in you!” Mrs Alison cried.
I rolled my eyes. “I’m disappointed in YOU miss. Just give me a detention, then cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and GET OVER IT!”

She gasped, and I walked towards the door.
“SCARLA!” Jessica screamed, startling me. I ended up tripping over in front of all my class… How embarrassing!
I got up quickly and bent over to brush some fluff off my shoe. Big mistake.

Brad Miller (Class hottie, and my BOYFRIEND) silently laughed. Then chuckled. Then giggled. Daniel Coombes made a circle with his hands. This set Brad off and he started chortling. As I straightened myself up, the laughter slowly ceased. I turned around, and it was so quiet in the room you could hear a pin drop. I stared at Brad, and he avoided my gaze.
“Brad Miller, I never want to see you again. Ever.” I sniffed. “And don’t bother texting me.”
Brad grinned weakly. “Too late”.

*DING!*  I glared at Brad and read his message.

💓Brad: 9:36am
Sozzies! 😢 Forgive me? 💖

Me: 9:37am
Why should I? U laughed at me! 😣

💓Brad: 9:37am
I was laughing at the hole.....

Me: 9:38am
Look, idc. We’re over. 💔

I turned my phone off and looked at Brad pointedly. Brad turned off his phone and looked at me pleadingly. I looked at my shoes and noticed the tip was slightly scraped off. Brad did the puppy eyes (Oh no, not the puppy eyes!). The bell rang loudly and everyone stayed where they were, watching us. Mrs Alison looked at the class and shouted,

I shot Brad one last death stare and stalked out, Jessica in tow.

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