Chapter 1- Morning memories

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hey guys i'm finally going to write chapter one. hope you enjoy it!


Chapter One

{April 25th 2014}

I wake up gasping for air, tangled in my sheets. I have a cold sweat runnning down my face and goose bumps all over my body. Of course the night mare haunts me tonight, on my bithday. I was turning 17.

I looked over at my alarm clock next to my bed, 6:27am, my alarm went off at 6:30am. "Ahh...!" I moaned to my self, picking up my pillow and lifting it high above my face just for it to be shoved into it. Do I really have to go to school on my birthday?

I clutched my necklace around my neck with my dainty fingers. It was my mums, she gave it to me for my 12th birthday, which was two months before the crash. It had a heart pendant which contained a lock in the middle of it. The heart was decorated with beautiful patterns and swirls and had little diamonds incrusted in its surface. I loved the necklace and I wear it everywhere. I felt like it was a piece of my mum and it made me feel like a part of her was still with me.

"BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ!" My alarm screamed at me.

"Alright, alright..." I whispered hitting the top of the clock fiercely. I pulled my nice warm dooner off my legs, it was a fresh autumn morning in Melbourne and my room was cold. I flicked on the light switch, it blinding me momentarily. My room lit up, it wasn't very big but it was a good size. I had a queen size bed in the middle of one of my side walls and a cub board on the opposite wall. I also had a big window on the back wall with big heavy curtains blocking out any possible light coming from outside. My room was very messy with clothes decorating the floor and other random things.

I quickly got dressed in my school uniform, it was winter uniform so I had to wear stockings, a skirt, a shirt and tie. Oh how I detested the winter uniform, the tie always choked me and the stockings made me itch. I tied the laces on my school shoes and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

My dad and I lived in a small double story house on Cherry Tree Blvd, the neighbours were friendly and it was a quiet street, it was peaceful. I walked into the kitchen, surprised to see my dad up so early in the morning I mumbled a good morning and gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning my sweet birthday girl!" He smiled cheekily and then continued "I made you a special breakfast"

"Wow really?" I asked "what is it?"

" It's pancakes" he exclaimed placing on the table a plate stacked with fluffy goodness. I sat at my spot and began to stuff my face. I was really surprised that they tasted amazing because honestly, he wasn't a very good cook. He helped me finish off the last couple because I was way too full to eat another mouthful.

"Thank you so much" I said with a happy grin which slowly faded. My dad must of noticed because he spoke softly,

"I know you miss your mum, I wish she could be here today too." I looked up at him with tears forming at the edges of my eyes. It has been five years since the accident, dad always blames himself claiming that if he stayed home from work it never would have happened. He always reminded me how much of a blessing I was and how lucky he was that I was still alive and safe.

"I've got to get ready for school now, oh the joy" I sarcastically smiled wiping away the small tears.

"After school we will do something special together to celebrate your day" my dad smiled. I stood from my chair and headed back upstairs to the bathroom to do my hair. When I entered I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a few minutes. Dad always told me how much I looked like my mum but I never believed it. As I have gotten older I have been noticing more and more that I really do look a lot like her. I have her long curly hair, her soft lips and kind smile. I snapped back into reality, I placed my blonde hair in a plait to the side and finished it with a bow. My mum had brown hair but I got the blonde from my dad's side as well as blue eyes.With one last glance at my reflection, I darted to my room to grab my extremely heavy schoolbag. I then raced down stairs to my impatiently waiting dad at the front door.

I hopped into the car with my school bag now placed on my lap, I looked out of the passenger seat window of my mums Sudan. The weather is rainy, and the sky is dark grey and gloomy. Great weather for my birthday I thought to myself annoyed at the sky. During the trip to school I played around with the rain drops on the out side of the window, following them with my fingers.


It was a short chapter but it gets the rest if the story going.

Hope you enjoyed it and I will start to write the 2nd chapter soon!

Love you all!

XXX Kash

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