Chapter 3- Confused feelings

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Hey guys I'm finally entering a new chapter yay! 🎉🎉🎉

I hope you like it! Love you!



I stormed down the school hall way like there was no tomorrow. How could he forget my birthday? It was unbelievable! I walked into my classroom five minutes before first period. I saw Zoe in the corner of the class room talking with some boys. Why was she talking to them? My curiosity got the best of me as I walked over to them. "Hey Zoe, whatcha doing? I asked her but looked at everyone as if to show I was asking all of them.

"Hey Cat!" She smiled and hugged me before continuing, "we are talking about the assignment that's due today, did you do it?" That question made my stomach drop, I couldn't believe that me, Cat of all people didn't finish their assignment. I answered with a sick feeling of guilt,

"No. I completely forgot about it." I mumbled with my cheeks blushing. The boys left soon after I came but I didn't notice until Zoe gave a gasp.

"Wow you forgot?" She asked astonished.

"Yes I forgot I just had so much homework and my dance teacher has been really strict on me lately and we have been having hip hop exams." She seemed to understand and she nodded,

"Well anyway I'm glad someone else didn't because I forgot as well!" She squeaked.

"Speaking of forgetting things, you won't believe what Blake forgot" I stated suddenly changing the topic.

"What did he forget" she asked confused,

"Why today is a special day" I stated looking at her and waiting for her to say something about how mean that is. Then she says four dreaded words that Blake had already spoke,

"Why is today special?" She asked with the exact same blank expression. I stared at her blankly full of anger while tears of sadness welled up in my eyes. She forgot as well? How could she? The bell rang and I quickly scurried away to my seat at the front of the classroom placing my books down and slumping in the chair. This was definitely going to be the worst birthday ever.

Mr. Berkins began talking about the history of Italy for fourty minutes until it was almost the end of the lesson. I hadn't paid much attention to anything he was saying because all of my thoughts were focused on my so- called best friends forgetting about my birthday. "Cat.. CAT!" Mr. Berkins voice shouted pulling me out of my thoughts, "your assignment please." He asked with his hand out expectantly. What was I supposed to say? Some silly excuse like my dog ate my homework or should I tell the truth? I took a deep breath and tried to speak.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Berkins I completely forgot about my assignment, I have had so much homework and I have had dance exams so I have been really busy." My husky dry voice quivered hoping that he would understand.

"Well seeing as it is the first time you have ever forgotten to hand in your assignment you will not lose marks. But you will have to give it to me tomorrow." He sighed clearly disappointed to see that his best student didn't hand in their homework.

"Thank you so much I will definitely finish it tonight" I assured him relieved.

"Well that was lucky" Zoe snarled form behind me, I could tell that she was jealous that I was let off so easy. I turned to look at her as I snapped,

"That's what you get for being smart" then I turned sharp on my heal and walked out of the classroom. I started to feel guilty about my rude comment to her, Zoe was really smart but I had every right to snap at her, didn't I? She did forget my birthday and that was enough for me to convince myself.

I sighed and then looked at my timetable, I had a free period now so I decided to get a head start on my assignment before I got home. I walked over to the outside study area, as it came into view I remembered the weather, wet, rainy and gloomy. "That's just great" I mumbled to myself as I then found an empty classroom to work in. I peaked my head through a crack in the doorway to see if anyone was in there, no one. I opened the door fully and walked in, the classroom felt dark, cold and eery. I placed my books on what I thought was a desk and walked back over to the door to turn the lights on.

"Don't turn on the lights! I like the dark." A male voice rang out from the back of the classroom. I covered my mouth with my hands trying to hold in a squeal that wanted to escape my lips.

"You scared the bejeezus out of me!" I squeaked turning on the light so I could see who the male voice belonged too.

"AHH ITS SO BRIGHT!" He moaned covering his face with his hands, he was sitting in the corner of the room at a desk. When he moved his hands away from his face I could tell that he was my age, and that he went to our school because he was wearing the uniform, but I had never seen him before. "I'm Shane" he stated obviously seeing me struggling to understand why I hadn't seen him before.

"I'm, I'm Cat" I mumbled unsure whether he was really a student or a person in disguise just waiting to kidnap me. "How come I have never seen you before?" I asked boldly.

"I'm new"

"Well that explains it"

"My mum thinks that I'm in school on my first day but I have actually just been sitting in here." He stated bluntly.

"Oh so your a rebel." I cheekily stated,

"Well, no not really. I just didn't want to start today, I'm going to start tomorrow" he explained. He could just be faking, he could be a kidnapper who will catch me with his handsomeness. Did I just call him handsome?

"What class are you in?" He asked.

"12CC" I was cautious to answer he could still just be a kidnapper finding information....

"Cool I'm in that class too" he slightly smiled. It was the first time I saw him smile, I liked it. Do I like it? Why would I like it?

We ended up talking for the rest of the session, turns out I didn't get any of my assignment done.

"Well I've got to go to class now, which is where you should be" I jokingly teased him giving him a small smile.

"Whatever" he mumbled trying to hide a smile. "It was really nice that the first person I met at this school was such a pretty and amazing girl as you." This made me blush. Why did it make me blush? My gosh Cat what is wrong with me? I picked up my books and walked towards the door,

"Bye, see you tomorrow" I quietly stammered trying to desperately hide the strangely occurring blush on my cheeks.

"Ok bye." I was walking out the door when he called, "don't forget to turn off the lights!"

"Oh right sorry Mr mysterious." I joked flicking the switch and walking out.

"Thank you!" He called after me. I had no idea why but I felt a smile spread across my face and I felt joy. Why? I don't like him. Do I? He is just someone who will be a friend. Isn't he? I shook my head trying to get rid of my confusing thoughts. My happy thoughts were diminished when I opened my locker to find pictures of my two so-called best friends who forgot my birthday. How could they?


Zoe is played by Zendaya. I love her I would have made her the main character but cat has blonde hair so😭

Sorry I took so long to update guys. I wrote the last half of the chapter and then it randomly deleted so I had to rewrite it which was really annoying and it isn't as long because I couldn't remember what I wrote word for word.

This chapter introduces a character which will be mentioned a bit later who gets a bit important.😉

But anyway plz comment and tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions plz tell me.

Yeah hope you enjoyed it I will try to update the next chapter sooner!

Love you all😘😘😘😘


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