Chapter 29

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"You owe me twenty bucks, sucker!" Ari cheers, clapping an irritated Nash on the shoulder as he snickers before opening his locker, unloading the contents of his backpack. The lucky bastard is as smart as they come and usually completes all of his work at school, unlike the rest of us peons who are regularly saddled with hours of homework.

Nash dutifully reaches into his wallet, retrieving a crisp twenty dollar bill. "I feel like I got taken," he complains, placing the cash in Ari's greedy hand. "Like insider trading, man. You've got a female source living right in your own house!" He indicates Mari, whose eyes widen with his suggestion.

"Yeah, but she's your girlfriend," Ari says, raising his hands in a gesture of his innocence. "Take it up with her."

"I'm lost," I say, having had enough of their bickering. "What's this all about?"

"Nash and Ari made a bet about when you and Colby would finally get back together," Mari says, linking her arm with Nash's. "Nash thought it would be the night we stole the flag, and Ari thought it might take a little longer. Sorry, Papi," she adds, patting her disappointed beau on his forearm.

"Yeah, well all that really matters is that they're back together," he says, grinning my way. "Now Wyatt can stop being a moody jackass."

"Sure," I say. "I'll stop being moody, but my jackass status will stay intact."

"No doubt," Ari says, shoving me casually. "Hey Mar, we need to do some man stuff, so why don't you beat it?"

"Man stuff?" Mari probes. "Do I even wanna know?"

"It's just practice, honey buns," Nash returns, pulling her nearer and kissing her on the cheek.

"Nash, that's nasty," Ari groans. "Honeybuns?"

"Don't be jealous just 'cause you're single, douchebag. You earned that situation all on your own," Mari snaps, swiping her hand back and forth before herself. "And I'm only leaving now because I choose to, not because you told me to. Bye, Papi."

She pats Nash lightly on the cheek before she makes her way toward the student parking lot. Nash follows her retreating figure adoringly, and I wonder if I ever wear the same dopey look he's sporting when I watch B...

Nah, not me.

"Gentlemen," Ari says, throwing his arms around both of our shoulders. "Let's move before Pops gets pissed and makes us do extra drills." He begins moving in the direction of the locker room when I shrug his arm away.

"Can't," I say coolly. "I've gotta do something after school today."

"Colby can wait, dickhead," Ari asserts without missing a beat and damn, that's not what I meant, but now that he mentions it...

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