Chapter 46

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"I swear she peed on me," Ari mutters, still attempting to shake off his earlier trauma.

"Honesto a la bondad," Mari groans with a roll of her eyes. "We already told you that her water broke, idiot."

"You think I care what kind of liquid it is?" Ari replies. "It all comes from the same place, and it's all over my shoe. It soaked through the canvas, and my sock, so I basically absorbed urine into my foot." He shudders at his sudden epiphany.

"I don't think I'd risk mentioning it to Wynn," Nash chuckles, giving Ari a consolatory pat on his broad shoulder.

We've been at the hospital for over two hours already, but I guess that's just what you do in this place. Wait.

The last time I had to come here was for Mama, and while this visit may, too, be full of tears, at least they will be due to joy this time. With Wyatt's arms wrapped around me, I rest my back against him. He leans casually on the wall behind us, the rise and fall of his chest calming me as we all wait anxiously for information regarding Wynn's progress.

"I said I want drugs!" Wynn bellows, the echoes of her demand bouncing off of the walls of the hallway leading to her delivery room.

We glance at one another warily, and behind me, I feel Wyatt shaking with suppressed laughter. Wynn is scary right now—we all know it. I shoot up a little prayer for her, and especially Cole.

We've been awaiting word of her progress since our arrival. Cole and Wynn were swiftly escorted to their room, leaving us to our own devices. Admittedly, none of us really know what to do with ourselves. Aside from a few remarks here and there, our group as a whole has remained subdued and contemplative. I think somehow the gravity of the change that's about to occur has rendered all of us somewhat speechless.

Until now.

A wild-eyed Cole comes into view, turning the corner at the end of the long corridor where he and Wynn vanished earlier. He looks like a different person entirely, appearing to have forgotten why he's even out here. Wyatt releases me from his hold, making his way over to Cole, who's now eyeing all of us curiously as we stare back at him.

"How's it going in there, man?" Wyatt asks, clapping his friend on the shoulder. Cole rubs his eyes violently, shaking his head and drawing himself out of his stupor.

"I think the baby's about to come," he admits, his eyes brightening with excitement. "Wynn's a little psycho right now, but it's manageable. She sure is mean when she's in pain." He smirks, and it's evident that he's loving every moment of this process.

"My mama made all of us watch her birthing video from when she had my youngest sister, and there's no way that doesn't hurt like hell," Nash asserts, and Cole glances at Nash, concern etching his flawless face.

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