Chapter 4:The Movies

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We held hands. That was my first thought when I woke up the next morning. Memories from last night flooded my mind. By now I was ready to admit that I at least partially liked her. I slapped my hand to my forehead. No, I told myself, not happening. I came here planning not to make any friends and now I'm thinking about having a girlfriend. What is up with brain lately? Actually, I think that is the exact problem. I can't think straight around her. My thoughts go straight to making her laugh or just wanting to be near her. I knew I should try to keep my distance from her, but I couldn't keep myself from jumping out of bed and once again looking forward to seeing her.

In seconds I was over at my closest and whipping the door open. This time though I actually took my time. I picked out a Harry Potter shirt that I knew that she would like. It was black and in gray was the deathly hollow symbol. Then I picked out a pair of my nicer jeans that didn't have any rips in them or grass stains. After that. I slid on my new red high-tops and went to the bathroom to fix my hair. I shook my head repeatedly. Sammie was right, I was kind of like a dog. I ran a brush through it repeatedly until I was satisfied. Then I took the stairs two at a time and was three feet from the door when my mom stopped me.

"What's the occasion?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

I turned slowly to face her. "What do you mean?"

She laughed and shook her head. "Looks like you actually bothered to look nice today." 

At that she raised an eyebrow. I defended myself, "Well, I think Sammie and I are going to stay inside today so I wanted to wear cleaner clothes."

My mom thought for a second and then started to walk back towards the kitchen. She mumbled as she went, "That Sammie girl is really nice."

I blushed and turned back to the door quickly. A moment later I was pushing past the gate and into Sammie's backyard. We really didn't plan on staying inside. Since when did we ever stay inside for a while? I actually had other plans for today.Well...for tonight really. Sammie was sitting up on the edge of the deck protruding from her tree house. Of course, she was nose deep in a book.

"What book this time?" I asked.

She simply just held the book up higher. Witch & Wizard was printed in a fiery orange across the top. "That's a good book. Adults are corrupted, huh?"

She looked up for a second. "This book says it all." 

She stood up and walked into her tree house. A few seconds later she was next to me and handing me a book.

"Finished the other book!" she said excitedly. "It was so good!"

As I took the book back, I couldn't help but notice how cute she looked when she was excited. Her hair was in a braid today and now that her hair was away from her face, I could see her eyes even more clearly now. They were beautiful, as always.

"Well, what would you like to do today?" she asked.

"Whatever you're feeling up to."

She frowned, crossed her arms over her chest, and made a pouty face. "You know I don't like picking."

I threw my head back dramatically. "You are such a child."

Then she put her hands on her hips and shoved one hip to the side. "Am not!"

"Well...children are also ticklish..."

Suddenly her face went straight and she slowly backed away. "Liam..."

Too late! I jumped at her and she tried to jump back, but I already caught her. Her laughter pierced the air and we tumbled to the ground in a heap. I tried sitting up while tickling her stomach. Sammie was squirming so much that it was hard to stay up. I couldn't tell who was laughing harder. Somehow she managed to twist herself around and started tickling me and I jumped back, but just ended up on my back. I was laughing so hard my face hurt. Eventually we stopped for a breather. She joked, "I'm not the only child here."

"Oh, shush. You still are the most ticklish."

She shrugged. "Can't deny that."

That's when I decided to carry out my plan. "As best friends would you like to go to the movies tonight?"

"Sure thing," she answered immediately.

What? She gave in that quickly? I was expecting a hesitant answer. Maybe it's because I said as best friends. Would she not want to go as my girlfriend. Thoughts swirled in my mind. At least she still wanted to go. It wasn't exactly a date, but I was happy for now. Maybe we should just stay best friends. I know I will move eventually so I guess it would be better if we weren't dating.

~That night~

We were walking side by side. Well, I was walking. Sammie was skipping...backwards while rambling on about Witch & Wizard. 

"But Byron...Is he good or bad?"

I shrugged. "I guess you're just going to have to read."

She frowned and poked my stomach.

"Aw. Turn that frown upside down."

Then I poked her in the stomach. She squealed and jumped away.

"You are sooo ticklish," I laughed. "Hey, here we are."

The movie theater rose big and tall before our eyes. I haven't been here before, but I did some researching about close places I could go. The theater wasn't crowded at all. In fact, there were only a few other people there. We each paid for our own food since we were just there as best friends.

The room we were in was kind of small for most theaters, but it cozy. The walls were a light shade of purple that matched the carpet. We walked down the illuminated isles towards the very back, top row which Sammie claimed was the best spot. The movie was a comedy and we laughed a lot. We didn't hold hands though. I was worried that last night would be the only time we only held hands, but another part of me told me to shut up so I did. Well, my brain did. It was nice. I felt like I could stay next to Sammie for eternity and never want to leave.

(A/N) I know it's a little shorter than usual, but I plan on posting more often so please no complaints. This was a cute chapter, I hope you all love it.

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