Chapter 16

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          I smiled a little bit as I looked over at him. "Really? I- uh I mean good. Where should we go? I'm down for anything, Chinese buffet, a diner, anywhere is fine by me." I started to ramble. I gotta text Kayla. No wait, maybe I shouldn't text Kayla. She'll kill me if she found out though. I'll tell her later. Later is good. "How about it?" Trell asked as he squeezed my hand tighter while trying to grab my attention. "Huh? What happened?" I questioned as I raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled and smiled, "You're cute when you're confused.I was wondering if you wanted to go to Olive Garden or something?" I looked out the window and thought about it for a second. "Sure. Olive Garden sounds wonderful." I said as I leaned my elbow on the window. Is this a date? No, I don't think so. I shook my head as I sung along to the song playing on the radio.

         I heard Trell make a sound as I sung. I looked over at him and he had a smile on his face. "So Monet, tell me something about yourself." He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I hadn't even realized he was still holding it. Is it weird that it felt almost natural to hold his hand? Yeah probably. "Uh, I'm a Disney nerd. Like a mega Disney nerd. Oh yeah and Tim Burton. I love his movies." I spoke proudly. He laughed, and I joined in with him. "That's cute. Like really adorable actually." He pulled into the parking lot for Olive Garden. I grabbed my wallet and phone out of my bag as he stopped the car. This isn't a date.

          I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked in the mirror attempting to fix it. . "I'm coming. Gimme a sec." I said as he got out of the car. I thought he was walking to the trunk to get something but he ended up coming and opening my door for me. "Chivalry isn't dead I see." I giggled as I took his hand and stepped out the car. I was perfectly capable of getting out by myself you know." We held hands as he closed and locked the door. There goes my heart again. We began to walk to the restaurant as he made small talk. He's such a sweetheart. I looked down and frowned as I caught sight of my stomach. Maybe he'd like me a lot more if I was smaller. My mom would kick my ass if she could hear what I thought of myself. I quietly sighed and put a smile on my face for his sake. I want to have a good time. I really do. I swear I need to let loose.

          We entered the restaurant and the hostess kept giving Trell and I a judgmental look as she muttered the usual greeting. "Table for two," he replied with a slight smile. "I-is it possible for us to get a booth?" I mumbled. Apparently, neither of them heard me and I slumped my shoulders a bit. She brought us to a table and it looked kinda small but I didn't want to complain. I hate to complain. He pulled out my chair and I squeezed into the seat. Thankfully it wasn't that tight of a squeeze but it was a bit uncomfortable. Out of all the tables and booths in the restaurant, she puts us in the corner. Trell sat down too and must have felt how I did. "This is why I prefer sitting in a booth. I'll be right back." He stood up, careful not to push the table too much and went over to the hostess. He sounded a bit pissed about it. I took a deep breath before taking out my phone and texting Kayla. I was gonna wait until later but I think now is a good time. 'Hey I'm out the hospital, I know you wanted me to let you know. I'm catching a bite to eat with Trell. Nothing too serious. Have a good day at work. Love you!' I sent my message and it automatically said read. She must be on her break. I looked at the clock on the wall and tried to figure out how much time she has left. It's 4:30 so she has about three and a half hours left. That means three and a half hours left alone with Trell. Maybe he'll go back to his room. Or maybe he'll crash in mines until later. I looked over to see Trell talking to the waitress still. I sighed and looked at them as they talked. She seemed happy as all hell to be just around him. I don't blame her, he's such a cool guy. Then again, he could be a psychopathic serial killer and I'd have no idea.  

        I looked back down at my phone and saw I had a message from Daniel, 'Hey kid, I heard you were in the hospital from some kid in your dorm. I hope you're doing alright. I just wanted to know if you wanted to meet up anytime soon, maybe talk about what happened the other day.' I read it over a few times. It took me a while to remember what happened the other day. Oh shit that was only yesterday. Oh, our almost kiss. The most awkward moment of my life. Wait why was he in my dorm? Was he looking for me ? I put my face in my hands as I groaned. I'll respond to him later. I don't think I can deal with him right now. I sat up and looked at the menu. I don't even know what I want. I'm not even in the mood to eat but I Something I have to. I'll be back in the hospital if I don't. . "Hmm, maybe the Tour of Italy. Oh, the Calamari is always a safe choice. Cool, they have my spinach and artichoke dip. Or maybe I'll just take advantage of the unlimited salad and breadsticks. Decisions decisions." There was a light tap on the table and I looked up to see Trell in front of me. I gave him a small smile and he pulled the table back a bit, "Come on I got us a booth." He grabbed my hand and I grabbed my stuff and the menus. He led me to a nice circular booth back towards the middle of the restaurant. I just hoped it wasn't a lot of trouble to get this booth. I felt like it was. I sat down and was way more comfortable than I was a few minutes ago.

           "So what are you gonna get?" He questioned as he looked at me over his menu. "I don't know yet. I'm thinking of getting the Fried Calamari. Maybe even the Tour of Italy." I don't wanna eat too much now because of Kayla and this movie night she wants to have. I put my menu down and decided I was gonna get the calamari. It's probably the safest thing that's up there. I'm not that hungry anyway. The waitress finally came over and she looked directly at Trell, "Are you ready to order handsome?" I rolled my eyes and looked down. Really? He's still looking at his menu, yet she automatically asks him is he ready. Um excuse me. Am I not sitting right here? You legit can't miss me. "He's not ready but I am," I spoke sternly as I looked up at her. Yeah you tell her girl! I hype myself up in my head. She rolled her eyes as she clicked her pen. "Well, then can I take your order?" I hate people like her. "Fried Calamari and a cup of sweet tea." I slowly slid the menu over to her. "Tour of Italy and a Pepsi." He finally said as he smiled at me. I smiled back as the waitress clicked her pen again and snatched the menus off the table. "Be right out?" she said sarcastically. "How rude,"I whispered to myself as my phone buzzed repeatedly in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw Kayla was blowing up my phone. I giggled to myself and Trell looked at me, "What happened?" he questioned as he raised an eyebrow. "Oh, Kayla's freaking out. I kinda told her we were going out to eat. Now she's blowing up my phone."

He laughed and gave me a big smile. "We can explain later. Right now let's just enjoy our time alone."

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