Chapter 17

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         I don't know why I was so nervous to go out with Trell. We laughed a lot and I found out a lot about him. I was hesitant to tell him about myself but I told him some little details. Nothing too major but nothing too minor. "You're really a closed book aren't you?" He questioned as I sipped a cup of red wine. Am I really? I can be hesitant a lot of the times and I like to stay to myself a lot. "I guess you can say that. It's just when someone's been through so much it's difficult to know who to let in and who to keep out." He nodded his head and just listened to me. "Well, how did you know to let Kayla in? What was so different about her?" He stared me straight in my eyes. His light brown eyes glaring into my dark brown ones. He seemed really interested. I've never had anyone interested in anything about me so it caught me off guard. I had to think for a second before answering, "Umm well, Kayla was there since I was a kid. I think it was about elementary school when we met. I was always the outcast and she was the most friendly kid in class." I smiled at the memory. "She just came up to me and hugged me. After that, we were always together. Then she moved away for middle school and apparently she had moved back during High school. It was elementary school all over again. Now here we are, the outcast and the socialite together again facing the dangers of college." I sighed happily as I took another sip of my drink. 

        I looked up to see him smiling at me. "W-what?" I questioned as I sat up straight. He sat up as well, "You look so happy when you talk about Kayla. She does the same thing when she talks about you. Her eyes light up and she's all shits and giggles. And she talks about you a lot. But you, you have this twinkle in your eyes and you don't stop smiling. Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful smile?" He leaned his chin on his hand as he looked at me with a soft smile. I could feel my face heat up as he looked at me. "Other than Kayla and my mother, I have to say no. I don't smile much. Better yet, I haven't really had a reason to smile." I frowned a bit and slouched back against the seat as I came to the sudden realization that I don't have a reason to smile. "Everyone has a reason to smile they just might not notice it yet." 

         The waitress came over and took our plates. I gave her a small smile and thanked her as she walked away. I grabbed my wallet and started to open it until Trell took his card out first. "What are you doing? I was gonna pay." I frowned as he took my wallet. "I shouldn't let you pay on the first date." He .smirked as the waitress came back with the check. This isn't a date. Is it? "Here you go." He quickly handed her his card, not even bothering to check the bill. "You know, you're the only person to ever have an issue with my paying the bill." he raised an eyebrow at me. Well, that just shows he's been out on a lot of dates. What am I even saying, this isn't a date in the slightest.

           I grabbed my wallet and took some money out for my food. I slid it over to him and he shook his head before sliding it back. "Take it, please." I slid it to him again. "Monet, I don't need you to pay me back." his tone was serious as he slid the money over once again. "Look, Trell, either you take it now or I just leave it somewhere in your car." I slid it back to him for the final time. "You're stubborn, now don't be surprised if you see it sitting on your desk or find it under your pillow." He pocketed the money as the waitress came back with his card and his receipt. "Is there anything that you need to do before we go back to the dorm?" He questioned and I shook my head no. "I just wanna rest for a bit till she gets home. 

He nodded his head in agreement. "That sounds like a plan." 

A/N: I know its short but I had lost all my files and my physical draft at work and it took me forever to rewrite this chapter. i hope you guys like it and I cant wait for you all to see what happens next!!


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