Chapter 33

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          After we had our talk, I decided to play some more games. Trell stayed with me but he had homework to do. I laughed at him a bit as he kept getting irritated with the work. I messaged Dylan back and he told me that something else came up so he may not be coming back over today. I was a bit hurt because I wanted to hang out with him a bit more but he did send me the pictures at least. I eventually hooked my laptop up to the TV and started to scroll through the pictures. Wow wasn't even the word to use. The pictures were remarkable. I can't believe this is me. I couldn't help but smile as I came across the one of me laying down in the grass and him standing over me. Other than some clearing up of my skin and making the sun a bit brighter, the pictures were barely edited. "Holy shit you look amazing!" Trell belted from behind me. I covered my mouth as I stumbled upon the picture of me kneeling down with the rabbit up to my nose. The sunset behind me and the leaves falling made it look so stunning. I looked like a Disney Princess Promo. I swear I sang every Disney song in my head as I looked through the rest of them.

          "Hey, are you hungry? I'm tired of doing this homework." Trell asked as he laid back on my bed and pulled out his phone. I feel like he's such a procrastinator. I put my hand on my stomach and sighed, "Yeah I didn't have anything this morning." He gave me a 'What the fuck' look. He's worried about me taking care of myself since the incident on the beach. I didn't eat but I thought that Dylan was coming back with food. "What are you in the mood for?" I mean I can always go for some chicken nuggets but whatever you get it doesn't matter to me." I yawned a bit and stretched. I get up and go grab some orange juice and my medicine from the fridge. "You didn't take your medicine this morning?" I sigh as I shake my head and lift my shirt a bit. I wipe my stomach with an alcohol pad and inject myself. It hurts a bit but I push through. You'd think I'd be used to it by now but it's not something you can get used to. "Hey, you gotta take your medicine." I roll my eyes as I put my medicine back into the fridge. Like I don't know what I need to do. 'Yes, I know. It just slipped my mind." I chug half the bottle of juice before leaning on my bed. He sat up and looked at me. "You feeling alright?" I nod my head. "Just letting the medicine run its course." he rubs my back as he gets off the bed. "Here lay down. I'm gonna go run out and grab the food. I'll wake you up to open the door. "Just take the key." I said as I got in the bed. He wrapped me up in the blanket and kissed my forehead. "Do you want anything else?" I shake my head no as I close my eyes. "Just nuggets and fries." He smiled and grabbed his stuff, "I'll be right back."

          A knock at the door woke me out of my sleep. I know I told him to take the key. I groaned as I got out of bed and walked to the door. I rubbed my eyes as I opened it up, "I thought you took the key." When my vision cleared, I realized it was Daniel at my door. He didn't look to well. "Daniel? What's the matter with you. You look horrible." I grabbed his arm and pulled him in. I sat him down and knelt down in front of him. There were bruises forming and his eye was becoming black. I held his face in my hand and ran my thumb his cheek. "Shit Daniel. Tell me what happened." I went to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. I pressed it to his eye. "Hold this there. I'm going to get my first aid kit." I rush to my closet and grab it before coming back to him. I start to clean the cuts on his cheek with some alcohol and he flinches away from me. "It's gonna hurt, you already know this." I hold his face in my hand so he can't move away again. We made eye contact as I cleaned his face"Now are you gonna tell me what happened to you?" He huffed before answering, "I just got into a little argument with a few frat boys. Nothing too bad." I shake my head, "Fucking shit. You can't go picking fights. We're not in high school anymore. We're sophomores in college." His shoulders slumped as he looked up at me. "You're mad at me aren't you?" I bite my lip before answering. "No, I just want you to be careful. I can't lose you. Now tell me exactly what happened." He huffed and sighed. "I got into a fight with a few frat boys." I raise an eyebrow as I wait for the rest of the story. "I was talking to a girl from my Anatomy lab about some notes I missed. Some guy got mad and punched me in the face. Then his friends jumped in." I brought my hand to my mouth as I gasped. "You got jumped!" It sounded like more of a question then it was a statement. I can't believe we're still jumping people in college. "Did anyone call anybody? Did security show up?" I felt like a mother ready to defend her young. He got silent. The only thing he did was drop his head and twiddle his thumbs. He looked like a young kid who just got scolded by his parents. I leaned on the desk and crossed my arms as I cocked my head to the side. "I'm waiting for an answer." My voice was stern but it was still full of worry. He still said nothing and I shook my head. "I'm taking your silence as a no." I walk over to the fridge and grab two bottles of water. "I swear I better not see you on World Star Hip Hop," I hand him the water and he silently thanks me before opening it and taking a sip. And you gotta start paying attention in class. Stop trying to impress these little girls and just focus on your studies." He sighed and leaned his head back. "I know. Do you really think that I want to go around fighting people? My grades started slipping and I can't get it.I already talked to my academic counselor and they said I need tutoring but even with them I'm not understanding. I'm a fucking failure!" He groaned as he rubbed his hands over his face. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "Ask for help Daniel! Stop making excuses. Do you think your parents are spending all this money for you to sit on your ass and barely pass? Fuck no they're not. You are smart. You're not a failure and I swear if you say that again, I will fuck you up worse than those frat boys did. Do you hear me?" I snatched the pillow away from him and threw it back on the bed. "Why are you getting mad at me? I can't fucking help that I'm no good. I can't even pay attention to a stupid class. I should just drop out. It's fucking hopeless." I used to think the same thing about myself. Anger rushes through me as I grab him by his shirt collar and yank him out of the chair. I brought him down to my level as I tightened my grip on his shirt. "Stop painting yourself as a fucking idiot or so help my Daniel, I will slap you so hard with one of these textbooks you're going to be reciting Shakespeare sonnets for the rest of your life." We stared into each other's eyes intently before I let him go. "I will not let a good friend of mine talk bad about himself when it's something that's fixable. I can help you. I'm pretty sure there are tons of people that can help you, you just have to find the right ones. Different people learn differently. Just find what works for you." I finish my bottle of water and toss it into the trash can. He stood up and pulled me into his arms. I was a bit shocked at first because of the sudden embrace but I hugged him back.

          "Thanks Monet. Sometimes I just need someone to help me think straight." I laughed as I rubbed his back, "You have my number, you can always call me. What are friends for anyway?" He pulled back and smiled at me before kissing my cheek. "I gotta get to work soon. I'll message you later. Thanks again." He grabbed his stuff before leaving. I waved to him as the door closed on the way out. I started to clean up and went to take out the trash. I just hope he doesn't get into any more fights.

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