534 17 3

monday - 6:15 am

krystal never knew how to hit a fucking ball. how on earth did she make it to varsity anyway? if i were the judges i would have told her to think about a new profession.

"come on! it's right in front of you!" hanna shouts in my damn ear. i glare at her before giving the ball a good wack to the other side of the net.

of course, Tzuyu's overachieving ass has to hit it back. "break!" coach wheeler calls out while trying to smooth out her stress wrinkles. we were good though

"i think we got this season," i say to clear the air. a few girls agree and others probably didn't hear.

we head over to the tables anyway to get our jugs. i look up at the benches to see student council having a meeting. since the gyms are the only rooms open during this hour, here they are.

i squint my eyes when i see a black hoodie in the midst of all the bright colors. "is that the mute?" i give jennie a nudge and she squints her eyes in the same area im watching.

"hell yeah. in student council, don't you have to talk?" we both giggle.

i see minhyuk, the junior president and jooheon, his junior boyfriend. they have been dedicated to the school (and each other) since jooheon got here freshman year. they are all i hear about now when the school goes through social changes.

i then look over to lisa who is the co-president. she sitting next to the mute who is now staring at me. in disgust, i look away and continue to drink my water.

who does he think he is making eye contact with me?

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