The First Day

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This chapter is dedicated to timetrvlincake, one of my most amazing friends ever, and the entire reason I continue this series. Since my extremely sappy text didn't work, I'd like to say that you are one of the kindest people I've ever met. I know I speak for everyone when I say that you're amazing, and deserve to be appreciated. If there's anyone out there who actually reads this story, please go follow her because she could really use the support now, onto the story!!!

We walked through the city mostly hidden. It wasn't that hard to hide after a while when the endless streets turned into forest. We kept walking and walking. It seemed like the forest would never end. I mean, how far did this forest go? After a while around midnight we found a building. It was small, and run down with no signs of life and only one room. "We should rest here, before continuing on, and make camp before morning." Lydia set walking toward the house. "Wait!!" We all looked at him expectantly. "It could be a trap. I've heard there's a lot out here from my border patrol. "You have a border patrol?" I knew he was good but not THIS good. "Yeah, I've got people all over, I know this place inside and out." As he said this he smiled, an obvious look of pride on his face. To avoid being caught in a "trap" we decided to camp out behind the building in some brush under the trees. We didn't make a fire because it would be stupid to even have a small flame on not only the first night, but a dark night at that. Plus the brush around us could easily catch fire and we would burn to death. "Hey, Hazel?" "Yeah Kendall?" "Will you come help me sort my bag, it's kind of a mess." (We're going to pretend they stopped to let him pack some stuff on the way shhhhh) Now I know Kendall, and his bag is definitely NOT a mess. He's the most organized person I know, under Lydia. We walked a little ways, God I'm tired of walking, and then he stopped. I turned to face him and folded my arms. "Ok, what's REALLY up?" "Not a very convincing excuse was it?" "Not really." "Well, ok then. So, I was thinking, you know, since I know the area well, and since I studied survival in school, I was wondering if maybe I could maybe-" I cut home off with a kiss. Not really because I liked him, I mean pfft, that be a crazy idea right? I did it because I could. I wouldn't be able to do that much where we were going, wherever that was..... I then broke the kiss and walked back to the camp as if it never happened.

When we got there Marcy and I began to chat a bit, since I hadn't spoke to her much once this started. A very confused Kendall came out of the forest at some point. He just stood there, it was kind of funny. We decided since we were all exhausted (and kind of lazy) that we would set up camp there. It was going great until we heard the helicopter search getting closer and moved into the building, which turned out NOT to be a trap. "Ha! I knew there wasn't a trap in here aaahh!!! I was pulled up by one foot, half my body dangling the other half flat against the floor. Everyone of course laughed at me hysterically. "Haha very funny. Can you just get me down?" "Ok, ok." Kendall then began to unravel the trap explaining it was just a simple rabbit trap left behind by people who came here before us. We set up the few blankets we had brought and people began to slowly drift off. I was about to as well when a whisper caught my attention "Hazel? You awake" I groaned. "No, Kendall, I'm dancing through a field of rainbow colored unicorns and pegasi. Its fun you should try it." "Haha. Can I ask you something?" "What?" I asked still half asleep. "Do you think we'll make it, to the fence I mean?" "You know, I'm beginning to think there isn't one" and with that I went to sleep.

Ok, guys so I know something interesting has to happen soon, not sure what yet though. Also, bc as far as I know only one of my friends is reading this, Hey maple syrup (das her nickname) Thanks for reading this, and I have the tent for the camping trip so don worry. If you aren't her and are reading this, please read to tell me so!!! That's is for now, so

Stay awesome,


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