A narrow escape

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ok, before I start this chapter, I want to appologize for no new chapter yesterday. I just couldn't really find a good ending, and I'm not sure I'm really satisfyed with this one. Anyways I'll shut up now so you can read. To Narnia!! I mean, wat where are we *scrolls through the chapter* right. To the forest!!

I grabbed my drawing pencil from my bag and wrote, "sure why not?" And sent the bunny hopping back. He read the note and smiled at me, before folding up the paper and putting it in his pocket. By now Lydia and Marcy were already outside so we went to join them. The day went on uneventful. We just walked. Although, at one point Maple syrup decided to ride in Kendall's arms after walking for an hour. It was kind of cute the way they communicated with each other. They always seemed to know what each other wanted.

Soon enough it was becoming dark out, and we began to hear more and more search helicopters. "Ok, since this is the second day, they're going to start using infrared heat radars, so we need to be really, really cold." Kendall informed us. "I have a device to hide all of us from the radar." We all wore this thing on our heads that was supposed to disguise us, but I guess it didn't work bc after about a half an hour two different helicopters were above us. One shone a really bright light, and we were done for. "Don't move!! We are going to pick you up one by one and then fly you back to the city. If you come now, you won't be punished." Yeah right. They were most certainly going to kill us as soon as we were there. So what did we do? We ran. I have to admit, even I thought it was stupid at first. Kendall was in the lead and he lead us to a large cave. He had us go farther and farther underground, until we reached the end of a large twisting tunnel, that had an intersection at the end. "Is everybody here?" I asked. We all looked around. "Wait guys, where's Maple Syrup??" Kendall then frantically searched the cave. "Wait, do you guys here something?"Lydia asked her ear pointed towards the tunnel we came through. It was very soft, almost unnoticeable, but there was definitely something approaching. Just then, Maple Syrup hopped in, obviously out of breath. She hopped straight up to Kendall, resting at his feet. "Maple!!!! Your alive!!" He scooped up the bunny and reassuring it. "You know it's JUST a rabbit right?" I said staring at him. "How dare you!!!! Maple Syrup is a very intelligent rabbit!" "Yes I can tell by the amazing name you gave it." "Maple Syrup is a great name!" "Ladies, ladies, can we please stop arguing over a rabbit?" Lydia said staring at us. "Besides, didn't YOU have a bunny named pancake?" Marcy continued. "Pancake? That's the stupidest name I've ever herd!!" Kendall laughed. "Coming from the guy who named his rabbit maple syrup." I said laughing back at him. "So where do we go from here?" Lydia asked, being serious as usual. We don't both of these tunnels dead end. We just have to wait till morning." Kendall paused a second before continuing, "the thick rock layer hides the heat of our bodies." "Guess we're camping out here then." I said unpacking my makeshift sleeping bag.

The one that I had was too small, so I used it as a mattress and covered myself with a small blanket my mom gave me when I was little. It was a faded baby blue with a duck in one corner. It was obviously meant for a boy, which was ok, because mom used to tell me it was dad's prided possession until he was 12. After a while we went to sleep. Tomorrow, we would approach the fence.

            Stay Awesome,


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