Chapter 18

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"Are those the bones?" Agent Sally Roux asked, a wary expression on her face.

"Yes," the other agent confirmed. "I'm going to have the lab try to find out who they belong to."

"Good work. I want you to get back to me ASAP. The second you get something, you call me."

Sally was feeling good. She finally had a lead on this Demon King killer. So much evidence was pointing to Tom McDaniels. Her phone began to ring, "Agent Roux."

"Hey Sally, it's me," Sally knew it was her partner, Donald Ferguson.

"We spoke to Kevin Landers. The username he made for McDaniels is King27."

Sally cursed, "Well this keeps getting better and better.  I'm still waiting on the DNA for the bones but I'm about to make an official arrest."

"Ok. If you need anything else let me know."

"Will do. Thanks." Sally hung up the phone. She knew there was something fishy about Tom McDaniels. She would've paid good money to bet that it involved his now dead family and his disturbed father. She looked through his paperwork and saw that his father, Vincent McDaniels, suffered from blackouts. Sally wondered if Tom did as well. There was definitely something suspicious about this family.


Eva was driving to Open Heart Residential Treatment Center. After speaking with Detective Smith, she knew that Tom McDaniels was a suspect and that the FBI was asking him about his family. At least that's what the other officers had heard. She quickly asked a co-worker to take her to the closest car rental place and rented herself a car. She had also called David and told him she wasn't going to need a lift that evening. Eva wasn't sure what she was going to find but she wanted answers. If Tom McDaniels was the Demon King, she was going to get the scoop before everyone else.


"Joelynn!" Jacob's mother hugged Joelynn as she came into the door.

"Hi Mrs. Torres. I brought Chinese!" Joelynn raised a bag of Red Dragon Express into the air.

Mrs. Torres smiled, "Jacob was telling me. Did you get me extra egg rolls?"

Joelynn laughed, "Of course I did."

Jacob came into the living room and kissed Joelynn on the cheek.

Mrs. Torres pretended to look embarrassed, "You two are so cute together."

Joelynn smiled and wrapped her arms around Jacob, "I keep telling him to accidentally knock me up, but he won't do it."

"Joelynn!" Jacob tried to unwrap her arms from around his waist.

"What?" Joelynn tried to look innocent, "I think we would make some beautiful babies together."

"Joelynn, don't give my mom ideas," Jacob warned.

Mrs. Torres giggled, "I would love to have a grandchild. Especially now that Nessa..." Her voice trailed off when she realized that she spoke about Nessa. She didn't know what was going on with her daughter. For all she knew, maybe Nessa had a child. Two years was a long time. Mrs. Torres looked at Jacob and Joelynn and gave a weak smile. She took the bag of Chinese food that Joelynn handed her and said, "I'll just go into the kitchen and set this up."

Once they were left alone Jacob faced Joelynn, "Great. Now we need to have a baby together. You see what you did?"

Clearly he was being sarcastic but Joelynn laughed, "I wouldn't mind that. It's not like there's anyone else I like. At this rate, I'll never have kids."

Jacob rolled his eyes, "If neither of us has kids in five years, let's talk about it."

"You mean it Jacob? You'll give me babies?" Joelynn was speaking in an overdramatic voice.

Jacob laughed, "Shut up Joelynn."

She winked at him and walked into the kitchen. Jacob noticed her purse was on the sofa. He looked into it and grabbed her phone. He opened the app called Love Match and checked the messages. There was nothing from King27. Jacob frowned but started to type, "Are you getting shy on me? I'm even cuter in person."

 He hit the send button, closed the app, and put the phone back in her purse.

"Joelynn, you better not be eating all of my orange chicken!" Jacob quickly walked into the kitchen and joined two of the three women that he loved the most.


Tom was waiting for his lawyer when Agent Sally Roux walked in.

"Still waiting on the lawyer, huh?" she smiled at him and sat down. "You've been a busy boy McDaniels."

Tom stood up, "I think I've had just about enough of this. I haven't been put under arrest. I agreed to speak with you but I know my rights. I can leave."

Sally waited for him to get up before she stopped him. "Oh I forgot to mention that we found the bones that were in the trunk of one of your cars. Thanks for leaving blood on a few of them. It's dry but we can still get DNA from it."

Tom was shocked into stillness, "Bones? What are you talking about?"

Sally came up to him with her handcuffs, "I'm talking about you being arrested. Tom McDaniels, you're under arrest for the murders of Stella Meyers, Paula Masterson, Tiffany Sanchez, and Georgina Ambers. Now before I read you the rest of your rights, are there any other victims you want to add in there?"

It was a rhetorical question so Sally didn't wait for him to respond as she continued to give him his Miranda rights and led him to booking.

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