Chapter 33

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His palms were itchy. That meant one of two things. Either money was coming his way or he was ready for a kill. He knew it was probably the latter. Patience wasn’t his strong point but he understood that he had to exercise it for now. A small voice in the back of his head kept egging him on, “You could kill someone tonight and no one would know.”

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He had to control the desire inside him. Playing the part of the Demon King was confining. He sat in his car watching people as they left the popular honky-tonk located on the outskirts of town. Drunk cowboys stumbling and inebriated cowgirls wearing fancy boots and denim skirts passed him by. The voice in his head whispered, “You deserve this since you held back earlier.”

He lit a cigarette and began smoking. He did hold back on that young girl and Eva Lewis. “Eva,” he whispered. Now that was an interesting woman that he couldn’t wait to get his knife into. For now he would be patient.

A knocking on his window caused him to stop what he called his victim watching.

“Hi there!” A blonde woman who clearly had too much to drink smiled at him. “I was wondering if I could get a light from you,” she pointed to his cigarette.

He rolled down his window and asked, “Are you here all alone?”

“Yes! My damn friend left me for a guy that looked like George Strait. Now I have to find a ride home. So can I borrow a lighter?” She asked in her thick Texan accent.

He smiled, “You sure can. How about you get inside with me? I can give you a ride home.”

The blonde laughed, “I’m not supposed to get into the cars of strangers but since you’re so good looking, I’ll make an exception.” She got into his car and was giggling.

He told himself that he would wait, but if a victim came to him so willingly, he couldn’t possibly pass up such a golden opportunity.



David was awake. He looked around and saw Detective James Smith on his phone. 

“Alright, I got it. I’ll be there in an hour. Thanks.” Detective Smith turned around to see David was finally awake, “Hey David, how are you feeling?”

“Like shit,” David croaked.

“At least you’re alive. The guys and I have been taking turns staying with you…but they just found a dead body by that old western bar right outside of town. I’m going to have to go out on it.” Detective Smith explained. “Do you think you’ll be okay for an hour or two while I’m gone?”

David nodded but was wondering where Eva was at. He didn’t want to ask James. That would be embarrassing.

Once James had left, David picked up the phone near his hospital bed. His arms ached and it took an effort to move his sore body. He dialed Eva’s number but she didn’t pick up. He left her a message, “Hi Eva, it’s me David. I was just making sure you were okay since you weren’t here when I woke up. I’m worried about you.”

David let his head relax against his pillow. He closed his eyes and thought of Eva. He had told her that he loved her. Everything was going to change now. It had to.


“Yeah, of course I’ll come over man. Anything you need,” Kevin was talking to Tom on his cell phone. He hung up to see Samantha watching him with narrowed eyes.

“Where are you going now?” she asked.

“Tom said he had something important to talk to me about,” Kevin answered.

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