Joelynn was greeted home by the smell of bacon, eggs, and blueberry pancakes. She smiled as she saw Eva trying hopelessly to flip a pancake into the air with a spatula. "Hey cousin, whatchya up to?"
Eva turned and laughed, "I'm making us some breakfast. How do you want your pancakes? Burnt or crispy?"
Joelyn grimaced and grabbed a piece of toast from the counter, "Ummm...I think I'll pass, thanks. Congrats on the article by the way."
"You saw it?" Eva beamed. "My editor was pretty pleased with it."
"Is it true that he skins them alive?" Joelynn sat at the kitchen table while Eva put a plate of food in front of her. Eva wasn't the best cook but she was about seven years older than her and she always tried to take care of her. Joelynn was grateful to her. Eva was like an older sister, a friend, a cousin, and a mother all rolled up into one.
Eva cocked her head to one side before answering, "Well from what I understand, he skinned the faces of the first two victims after they were dead but can we talk about something else during breakfast?"
Joelynn shrugged so Eva grinned and asked, "How's Jacob doing?"
It was a topic they always discussed and Joelynn rolled her eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you? He's gay, Eva!"
Eva looked as though she didn't believe her. Joelynn laughed, "Eva! Stop trying to hook me and Jacob up. I'm not lying to you...he really likes guys."
"If you say so," Eva said before shoving a giant piece of burnt blueberry pancake in her mouth. Joelynn laughed. Eva didn't believe that Jacob was gay. "Maybe it's just you he doesn't like. He's too good-looking to pass up. Does he like older women?" Eva joked.
"Eww...will you stop Eva!"
"Eww? I'm not that much older than you! You act like I've got one foot in the grave," Eva said indignantly.
"Well if you're on the wrong side of twenty-five, you might as well," Joelynn teased.
"Youngsters these days have no respect!" Eva joked in a fake older voice. Then she tossed a piece of burnt pancake at Joelynn, "I'm not even thirty yet so don't go there Joelynn."
Joelynn laughed and tossed the pancake back to Eva. "So what about you? Meet any hot guys lately?" Joelynn wanted to steer the conversation away from her lack of a love life.
Eva gave a dramatic sigh, "No. I have yet to meet my Mr. Right or even a Mr. Wrong for that matter."
"What about that Detective Gonzales or David? I can tell you from experience that dating a cop can be fun."
Eva almost choked on her pancake. "Joelynn! When did you date a cop? I know a lot of officers. Who was it? Someone I know?"
Joelynn shook her head, "This is exactly why I didn't tell you. He dumped me anyway so it doesn't matter."
By her expression, Eva could tell her cousin was upset, "Did he break your heart? Who was it? Tell me and I'll get-"
"Stop!" Joelynn was laughing. "Stop talking about me when we were talking about you. So David or Jerry Gonzales? Who'd you rather date?"
"Joelynn...Detective Gonzales is old!"
Joelynn smirked, "Not that old...and I didn't hear you say anything about David."
Eva rolled her eyes, "David is my friend. Besides he isn't into monogamy."
Joelynn speared some eggs with her fork, "He's pretty cute. If you don't want him, I'll date him." Joelynn gasped when she felt the egg that landed on her chest.

Bones of the Demon King
Terror[COMPLETED]"The search for my queen continues." He's known as the Demon King. He's a serial killer that brutally murders women. Eva Lewis is the reporter that named him...but is she also his next victim? The FBI must race against time to catch the D...