Chapter 31

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He was still alive.

Eva was still sitting on the cold cement floor of the warehouse as the paramedics worked on getting David into the ambulance.

“Eva Lewis,” a commanding voice was coming towards her. Eva looked up to see Special Agent Sally Roux. She looked pissed, “You okay?”

Still in shock, Eva nodded.

“Good,” Sally said. She then gave Eva a hand to help her rise. It felt like deja vu to them both. “Now do you mind telling me what the hell you two were doing here?” she asked.

“Joelynn!” In her panic over David, Eva suddenly remembered Joelynn was still missing.

As if on cue, both Sally and Eva heard an FBI agent shout, “We have a body!”

Eva felt like somebody had punched her in the gut.

“She’s still alive,” another agent shouted.

Eva felt like one of those Bobo dolls that kept getting up after being hit. She wondered what would try and knock her down next. Eva saw two agents assisting Joelynn who was sobbing. An officer helped her get on a stretcher.

Eva ran towards Joelynn, “Joelynn are you okay?”

“Get away from me!” Joelynn screamed as Eva got near her. “Just get away from me!” She began crying and pleading with the officers and paramedics to keep Eva away from her.

Eva didn’t expect this reaction from Joelynn and she wasn’t sure what to do.

“I think it would be best if you didn’t ride along with her,” Sally advised. “Detective Wilson is already en route to the hospital, did you need a ride?”

Eva shook her head, “I have David’s car. His keys are in my pocket.” Eva was about to get the keys when she realized she was still holding the handkerchief she used to press against David’s chest. It had been a pale cornflower blue. Now it was a dark brownish red color.

“I’m going to need to take an official statement from you. I want you to talk to my partner before you go to the hospital. Okay?” Sally asked.

 Eva nodded blankly.

“Are you sure you don’t want a ride?”

“I’m sure,” Eva said in a stronger voice. “I’ll go look for your partner.”

After she had given her summary of what had happened, Eva got into David’s car. She had left the car less than an hour ago but it felt like days. She still ha d the bloody handkerchief in her hand. She put it in the passenger’s seat.


Tom was on his way to the hospital. He needed to see his doctor to help prescribe him new medication for the stomach pains he was feeling due to all the stress he was under. It was after hours but the doctor was willing to stay late. Being rich had its perks. He was pulling into the parking lot of the medical plaza that was connected to the main hospital. He looked through his rearview mirror. Nobody was following him. Earlier he had lost the two agents that had been tailing him since he had made bail. He looked at the old briefcase in the passenger’s seat. It took some effort, but he was going to get some answers. He drove into the hospital parking lot and was about to get out of his car when he saw Eva Lewis closing the door to a blue sedan.

Tom wondered why she was at the hospital. “Well, this should be interesting.”


Eva had just finished talking to a doctor about David’s condition. He wouldn’t be allowed visitors until he was stabilized. In the meantime, it looked like the detectives in his unit were taking turns staying at the hospital. Eva saw Detective Smith. He was limping.

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