[COMPLETED]"The search for my queen continues." He's known as the Demon King. He's a serial killer that brutally murders women. Eva Lewis is the reporter that named him...but is she also his next victim? The FBI must race against time to catch the D...
"The nature of the Demon King still exists as a villain festering inside each of us. We hide it as best we can but it still waits for moments of weakness to escape. It's the wickedness that each of us carries. I cannot explain why my illegitimate son David Wilson chose to murder innocent women. Nor can I explain why Kevin Landers decided to become involved. What I can say is we must all stay vigilant against evil. Until we learn to escape this side of ourselves, the Demon King lives on and could be right in front of you."
The audience began to clap in unison as a tall man came forward and announced, "That's right. Let's hear it for Vincent McDaniels, reading an excerpt of his best-selling novel Raising the Demon King. Please get in line if you would like him to autograph your book for you."
The crowd began forming a line. One by one his fans waited for Vincent to autograph their books.
The man waited in line holding onto his copy. His hands were sweaty as he listened to the idle chatter from the other patrons around him.
"I hear they're going to make it into a movie! I hope they get someone hot for David," a woman in line giggled.
"I heard he wrote the book in two weeks. It was so fast but so well written that he's been getting a lot of recognition. It usually takes months to write something so great. It's like he had already written the book before the Demon King was even discovered," another woman replied.
The man smiled. It was fun listening to the other customers gossip. He was next in line. When it was his turn, Vincent McDaniels looked at him and smiled. A flicker of recognition showed in his eyes.
"Who should I autograph this to?" When the man didn't respond, Vincent wrote, "No worries. I'll just write, to my number one fan. I hope you have some deadly wicked fun soon." Vincent handed the book over to the man who took it and nodded.
Later that day, the man had his book open on his desk. On his laptop was an article written by Eva Lewis.
"Disciples of the Demon King Live On: Police Continue to Investigate Possible Copycat Killers"
He smirked as he scrolled down until the article showed a picture of a smiling Eva Lewis.
He touched his computer screen where her picture showed and went back to work on the crown of white flowers that he was making for her.
"Soon," he whispered, "Soon this crown will meet its queen."
A/N: And that's all she wrote folks! I hope you enjoyed the ending. I wrote this story in less than a month so I apologize for any inconsistencies. I did try to keep everything on a consistent timeline and left clues to let you guess.
The following two books are completed. They are The Deadly Disciple and Blood of the Demon. Also, if you get a chance...feel free to check out my newest work, Ghost Channel. If you liked this story, do follow me by clicking the follow button under my pic. That way you can get even more of my crazy stories at your fingertips.
PS: For those of you that voted throughout the story or those that went back and voted for all the chapters (you know who you are), THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! You ROCK! For those of you that left comments, even though I don't get the chance to respond to all of them, I do enjoy reading them when I come across them and appreciate your support. You are AMAZING! I get a lot of notifications so it's hard to keep up. You all are the best! Sharing is caring so thank you if you shared this story via social media and Wattpad! You are incredible! ❤
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