5: Off The Hook

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*SodaPop's POV*

I've been waiting on the couch watching tv for awhile now. I'm just waiting for Darry to come home, I wonder how much longer it'll be? I don't know where he is either, I haven't seen him since we ate dinner which was before I even left the house to go to the party. I really hope he isn't out looking for me.

I heard a quiet whimper coming from Pony and I's room. I got up and walked back hoping that he was alright. I turned on the light and walked closer to Pony who was silently crying.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" I asked gently.

"H-had a nightmare." He answered sadly, that's kind of what I figured. I guess maybe I should've stayed in here with him.

"Does your back hurt?" He looked at me taken back, doesn't he remember?

"Yeah a little, w-why? What happened?" He slowly sat up in bed and stared at me waiting for an answer.

"I wasn't there, but luckily Two-bit was and he told me what happened. Apparently you were walking alone by the park and a group of Socs jumped you and stabbed your back. Two-bit chased them away and brought you back here because you passed out, and now here you are awake..."

"Oh I think I remember now." He sighed, "Is Darry home?"

"No, I haven't seen him since before I left. He still hasn't come home yet. Did he tell you where he was going?"

Ponyboy had a somewhat concerned look in his eyes, "Kinda. I remember he was talking in the phone to someone then rushed out the door, he told me he'd be back in about half an hour. Last when I checked it was way over that and I got tired of waiting so that's when I decided to go on a walk because not even you were home and I just couldn't sleep."

Okay at least I know it wasn't about me but that still doesn't really help where he could be, or when he'll come home. Hopefully soon though. It's worrying me too...

"So Darry don't know about the Socs cutting my back up?" Pony asked hesitantly.

"No, not yet."

"Good, keep it that way."

"Pony, we gotta tell Darry," I began. "He needs to know because he's better at keeping an eye out on those things and he will find out eventually."

"Well he doesn't have to find out until after tomorrow night."

What's tomorrow night? Oh yeah, the rumble, so that's why Pony doesn't want Darry to find out... I really don't think Darry was planning on letting him go anyways though, should I tell him? I'll just let Darry handle it because I hate getting involved in their pointless arguments.

"Okay I won't say a thing about that to him, but I really think you should tell him."

"Not happening." Pony confirmed quickly. "So, where were you exactly Soda? What took you so long to get home?"

Looks like he's getting his blackmail on me. "I was hanging out with Steve and we ended up going to a party and lost track of time."

"Well if you tell Darry about me, I'll tell him about you."

"Okay fine, we'll both keep quiet then." I assured him, he gave me a small smile.

"'M tired." He yawned.

"You want me to sleep with you?" He nodded his head yes and I crawled in bed beside him. I wrapped my arms around Pony's small body to assure him that I'd always be here and slowly we drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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