doing daily life...

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Will's POV

      In the weeks since my niece came into the world, I was feeling like a different man. It was so fascinating watching my sister and her husband fawn all over the newest member of their little family. But, I hadn't been really feeling like that was something that I wanted to do until the days after I first saw that precious little angel. Don't get me wrong, I definitely was not enjoying seeing the spit-up, and the poop explosions, but when you play professional football, nothing scares you. Nothing. 

    After taking an icebath and showering after a grueling practice, I decided that I needed to head to te groccery store. When I woke up this morning, I realized that the contents of my refrigerator were seriously lame. Half a bottle of siracha, a carton of organic egg whites which was confusingly empty, a greek yogurt, a lemon, some green juice that I'm pretty sure had something growing on it, and two bottles of craft beer. As I made my way through the players lot, I noticed Craig dressed up in a dark suit and a boldly patterened skinny tie. "Yo! Where are you headed dressed like that?" I called out to him. He stopped to twirl and dust his shoulders off, "Date night dude. Met this new girl, I'm all nervous. Can you tell, don't wanna be sweating in this suit." "You're fine bro, but she really must be something if she's got you of all people nervous and sweating." I laughed and patted him on the shoulder. "She is, you'll see. I'm gonna marry her dude, you just wait and see." Craig's voice trailed off as he headed towards his car. 

       I jumped into my own and rolled the windows down, enjoying the warm air of the night. When I arrived at the groccery store, I grabbed a cart and headed towards the produce section. While I was intensely scanning the selection of apples on display, a flash of a shiny and slightly familiar ponytail caught my eye. 

It was her! It was Dr. Raelyn, or Kensley, or Kensley Raelyn. Whatever, I just knew that I could not allow myself to leave the store without getting her attention. I took a deep breath and went for it. 

Kensley's POV: 

    For some odd reason, the groccery store was one of my favorite places. I liked it because it allowed me to get lost in my own little world, you could walk around aimlessly and no one would even mind or care. Sometimes I even got to see little babies that I had delivered babbling to their parents while sitting up in the front portion of the cart. Tonight, I was planning to take my time as usual, I had just gotten done with my shift from the hospital and needed to stock up on quite a few things. As I was sifiting through containers of strawberries, a deep voice crept up behind me and asked. "So, do you ever let your hair down, or am I only going to know you with ponytails?" The baby hairs on my neck stood up, and I felt my face get warm as I turned around to meet the semi familiar voice. Who was I kidding, the voice was unforgettable. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about the voices owner ever since our hands had been linked together for just a little too long. 

    "Are we ever going to be able to have a normal conversation, or are you going to just keep asking me obnoxious questions all the time?" I chirped back with a sly smile. Please laugh, please laugh, please laugh, I wished inside as I held my smile still, my gaze fixed on him. A rich, throaty laugh followed response. "Hey Kens. And we could have a normal conversation if you decide to have dinner with me. I promise I'll limit my obnoxious questions, or does asking you out count as one?" Jay asked. "Hi Jay. How are you?" I asked. I wanted to have dinner with him for sure, but I couldn't let him know that right away. "I'm good, but don't you think I'd be even better tomorrow if you had dinner with me?" "That's good, I see you've got a lot of stuff in your cart there. You must eat yourself out of house and home with just two apples. Wow." I was trying to be funny and give him an out, but I didn't know if I was working. "Ha, you've got jokes. I'd love to hear more of them, tomorrow night when you're at dinner with me." Jay looked me straight in the eye, I could tell he was nervous even though he was responding quickly to my attempts to avoid the subject, and I didn't want him to be defeated. "Well, I'll give you a little help with avoiding asking me onoxious questions, and I'll say yes to dinner." I smiled at him. 

"Thank you, you and I both know it sucks to eat alone." Jay winked at me. But something inside made me feel like he really did mean it, I mean technically I never really ate alone since my puppy was usually there, but since she doesn't talk I guess that doesn't really count. But I knew how he felt. 

We agreed to meet at 7:30, at a new place called The Vine that had just opened up. 

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