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 Author's Note: 

Thank you kindly to everyone who has been reading this story! I really, truly do appreciate each and every one of you. I am going to do my best to be better about uploading. I'm a college student, and have a lot on my plate so Wattpad is a great way for me to release some stress and lose myself in my little story. 

That being said, I really do know how to write, I know proper grammar, and terms, etc. Please know that there will be mistakes in these uploads. I'm just going with the flow and with how I feel, I'm not editing as I go along. This story is also supposed to be corny! I love a good, corny love story where good things happen to good people, and it's exactly what I want this to be. 

Thank you again to everyone who has been keeping up with this story. Again, I apologize for the lack of updates, but will try to do better! 

xo- K

Kensley's POV:


   After getting home from work, and feeding Stella, I went to my closet to pick out an outift. It had been a long time since I had gone on a first date, and I had absolutely, positively, no idea what I was going to wear. I Googled the menu at The Vine and saw that it was semi casual, so my go-tp outfit of shorts, a cute top, and some wedges for added height would definitely do the trick. After completing my signature "going-out" routine, I headed to The Vine to meet Jay. He made me nervous as hell, and I secretly enjoyed it. I sat in the restaurant parking lot double checking my makeup and repeating my "C" words to myself before I ventured out. Whenever I was nervous, I told myself to "be the c's"; meaning, be calm, confident, cool, collected, classy, casual, coordinated, cute, charismatic, etc. I tried to list as many adjectives as I could out loud before I braved any situation that made me uncomfortable. 

    He was standing outside the door of The VIne, a vision of extreme handsomeness. His broad body demanded attention, and I could see the definition of his muscles through his crisp, white v-neck. He was wearing a pair of well-made, and classic cut dark wash jeans. His dark hair was perfectly spiked, and his smile wide as he saw me approaching. "Hey Kens. Thanks for meeting me here." Jay said as he pulled me into him. I couldn't help but secretly take an extra whiff of him, he smelled amazing. The perfect combination of man, and ruggedness, and athleticism. Inwardly I was feeling giddy about how great we looked standing next to each other. Jay and his 6'5 Cornerback frame, opposite my slender 5'0 ft. self. My muscular dark legs had a sheen that he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of as I entered the restaurant in front of him while he kindly held the door. 

I immediately noticed that people knew who he was. I knew that he was attractive, and intellingent, and sarcastic, and kind of funny, but other people knew that he was the Jay Will, the best corner in the league, and one of the star players for the Chevrons. Before I sat down, Jay pulled out my chair for me, and I thanked him. Although he didn't quite demonstrate them in the delivery room, he had impeccable manners that I was greatly appreciative of. "How was your day K?" Jay asked while digging into the bread basket that had been placed before us. "You're quite the one with the nicknames aren't you?" I quipped. "And my day was good, I had four deliveries, and that's always exciting. How was yours?" I answered back with a smile. 

"I'm just trying to test a few out until I find one that I like." he gave me a smirk, and we both chuckled. "Feel free to give me one too. And my day was good, it was a little tough out on the field today. All I could think about was spending time with you tonight, and you have no idea how much of a distraction that was to me." Jay gave me a shy smile, before looking down at his bread plate again. I felt my face get warm, and my fingers tingle. "I know this may be weird, and kind of forward to say, but I've decided to not be a punk and to just be straightforward." 

I felt myself grow nervous as he said those words, and had proceeded to take a sip of water as my throat was feeling kind of dry. "I think you're really beautiful, and I want to get to know you better. And I've never ever, ever, said something like that out loud to anyone before,  and I'm getting really embarassed, and my face is turning red. So I'm going to shut-up now." He cleared his throat and took several sips of water before making eye contact with me again. I liked him like this, seeing him squirm, and seeing him vulnurable, and embarrassed. It was something that no one had ever said to me before either. 

I saw his right hand resting (more like shaking) on the table. I reached across and placed it in mine. "Kensley, what the heck are you doing?' I thought to myself, but the words came out before my brain could catch up. "Really, you think I'm beautiful? Because I think that you're extremely handsome, and well-dressed, and funny, and intelligent, and such a gentlemen,and I'd love to get to know you better too." I felt his hand relax, and stop shaking as soon as I said it. "Yes, really I do. And wow, I was not expecting you to say that in the least. If anything I thought you would think that I was a freak, and walk out. Or you know, say something a little more sassy, and a little less sappy." Jay admitted. I laughed at his comment. 

The rest of the dinner went extremely well. I asked him about his sister Harleigh and her little sweet girl that I had delivered Channing Elise. He whipped out his phone and showed me the cutest pictures of her, hanging out with him in his Eno hammock, wearing his Chevrons jersey number, her taking a nap with him on his chest. It was awesome to see how dedicated to his family he was. During dinner, we talked, and talked. I don't think either of us realized how little we had eaten until after the check had been paid. 

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