Chapter 11- Be with me so happily.

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Song for this chapter: Happily- One Direction



"Will you hurry up? Damn it, Caitlyn, the guys have a show in fifteen minutes," I called to my best friend.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm ready now," she bolted out of the bathroom, with her cell in her hands.

"Come on!" I rushed her out to the car, where I drove a little over the speed limit to get to the arena.

"You're here!" Ashton exclaimed when we got there.

"Yes, we're here. Now go! You have a show to do. Have fun, babe," Caitlyn kissed Ashton's cheek and he smiled, going backstage.

We sat up in the VIP section, by ourselves, and it was pretty cool. We could see the stage perfectly and where the boys were gonna be playing. A bunch of girls around us recognized me, and started squealing happily.

"Hi girls," I smiled at them.

"Are you Celeste?" One of them asked.

"I am," I nodded.

"We think you and Luke are adorable together. You're our favorite ship," one of the other girls told me excitedly.

"Aw thank you! I was worried that the fans wouldn't like me," I confessed.

"Every fan loves you. We've never seen Luke so happy and it makes us happy," the last one says shyly.

"I'm really glad to hear that," I was relieved.

"Can we get a picture with you?" They ask me.

"Of course," I nod. I stood up and took a selfie with each of them. "Do you have a twitter?"

They gave me their twitter names and I followed them. When they sat down, I heard Michael's voice.

"WHATS UP SYDNEY?" He shouted as they all came running up on stage with their guitars, and Ashton with his drumsticks.

The crowds screams were loud and the boys started cheering with them.

"Before we start the show, we would like to invite a special girl on the stage," Calum informed the crowd.

The screams died down and we all waited for them to say something else.

"Celeste Tucker, will you come on stage? Our friend, Luke, would love to tell you something," Ashton asked.

The crowd cheered as I made my way to the stage. Michael helped me up and the crowds screams became louder as I waved to them.

"You all know who she is right?" Michael asked the crowd.

They replied with screams.

"Good. Luke, id like you to take over," Michael handed Luke his microphone.

Luke stood there nervously, as the guys were coaxing him on.


"Okay okay!" Luke replied.

"What's going on?" I wondered, as I looked at the boys in confusion.

"You'll see," Ashton smirked.

What the fuck?

"Celeste Elizabeth Tucker, will you make me happy and be my girlfriend?" Luke asked. Very romantic Hemmings.

"Yes, Luke," I said into a nearby microphone and smiled.

The boys cheered and so did the crowd, and I ran up to Luke and kissed him, catching him off guard.


"CELESTE AND LUKE FOREVER!" The crowd copied him.

"They love you," Luke whispered.

"That means a lot," I smiled and kissed him again.

"Hey, keep it PG okay?" Calum joked. I flipped him off and he laughed.

"Give it up for the happy couple!" Michael screamed to the crowd. They cheered with him and the rest of the boys.

"Ashton would like to invite someone on stage, and tell you lovely people some news," Luke explained.

"Caitlyn, could you come up on the stage?" Ashton asked.

Caitlyn seemed a bit confused, but did as she was told, and met Ashton on stage.

"We'd like to tell you lovely people something and you have to promise not to be mad," Ashton started.

The crowd screamed back to him. "We promise!"

"This lovely girl and I are dating, and we wanted to make it public tonight. I hope you're all happy with it, and I'm really sorry if you don't like it. She just makes me really happy," Ashton explained, smiling at his girlfriend.

"You make me happy too, Ash," she kissed his cheek.

The crowd roared again, in obvious happiness, and I could see by the look on Caitlyn's face that she was relieved that the fans liked her.

"Celeste, we'd like you to step in for Ashton, and be our drummer for a few songs. You know our songs right?" Calum asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Good. Caitlyn, you just sit right over there with Ashton," Calum pointed to two stools that were on stage. Caitlyn and Ashton did as they were told, and I took a seat at the drum set.

"1,2,3,4!" I called out and the guys started to play Don't Stop.

*End of the concert*

"THANK YOU SYDNEY!" Luke yelled into the microphone and I followed him off the stage.

"You guys were great! Celeste, you can really rock the drums," Caitlyn commented.

"Thanks," I smiled.

I took a peek over at Luke, and saw he was standing alone. I walked over to him, and he looked up, smiling.

"I can't believe you're my girlfriend now," he whispered as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I know. I was shocked, but almost burst out in tears of joy," I replied.

"I don't know why you're hugging me, I'm all sweaty an gross," he laughed.

"Oh yeah. Ew, then why am I hugging you?" I let go and laughed.

"That hurts, Cel," he pretended to be hurt, but laughed a little after.

"Come on, let's go back to the 5SOS house," I suggested. He took my hand and we walked to the car, hand in hand.

Caitlyn left with Ashton, so that left Luke and I to leave the arena. The fans were piling out, and we were lucky that they didn't see us.

I'm extremely happy that Luke asked me to be his girlfriend, even though I was expecting it soon. It was romantic how he did it in front of the fans to get their approval. He really cares about them.

"Luke?" I said.

"Yeah?" He turned to look at me.

"Do the fans really love me?" I wondered.

"Of course. They spam my Twitter asking how we are and stuff. They nonstop talk about you," he answered.

"It means a lot to me that your fans like me and accept me," I sighed.

"Who doesn't like you? You're perfect," he blurted out, then covered his mouth like he wasn't supposed to say that.

"You really think that?" I blushed.

"Honestly, yes I do. I think you're prefect," he replied honestly, smiling.

That's all the information I needed.

I smiled and hugged him once more before we got in the car and headed home.




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