Chapter 43- Whatever it takes.

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Song for this chapter: Whatever It Takes- Lifehouse


Celeste's POV:

Luke has been on edge for the past week, and won't tell me why. He's moody and just plain irritating at times. I have no idea what's going on, but I don't like it.

"Caitlyn, your kid's crying for the third time today," Luke huffed.

"I got that, thanks," Caitlyn rolled her eyes, making her way up to her and Ashton's room to take care of Ashlyn.

I smacked his arm and glared at him.

"What?" He snapped.

"What is your fucking problem?" I hissed at him.

"I don't have a problem," he muttered.

"You've been on edge all week. What's wrong?" I asked, calmer now.

"Nothing, leave me alone," he mumbled.

"I'm only worried," I stated.

He didn't respond, so I decided to take a shower, just to get away from him. He's annoying me.

Why was he acting like this? They're on a break for another five months, why is he so irritated? Is it something I did?

I thought about all of this while standing in the shower, getting cleaned up. I got out, wrapped a towel around me, and made my way to Luke's room, silently praying he wasn't in there. He wasn't, so I changed into sweats and one of his band tees, and laid down on the bed.

I heard him come in, so I pretended to be asleep. I don't think he bought it.

"I'm sorry," he sighed.

"You're really worrying me. What's going on with you?" I sat up, facing him.

"I don't know. I haven't been able to sleep. Something's been on my mind, and it's hard to make a decision." He explained.

"Make a decision?" I looked at him in confusion.

"It's nothing," he shook his head.

"It's not nothing if you're taking this out on me and our friends," I pointed out.

"I can't really tell you right now," he looked up at me.

"Well, I'm here if you want to tell me," I assured him.

"I know," he gave me a small smile.

I laid back down and pulled the blankets over me. Luke copied me, and we just laid there, me wrapped in his arms.

"Luke?" Someone called. It was Ashton.

"In here!" He called back.

Ashton made his way down the hallway and into Luke's room.

"Just wanted to tell you guys that we're heading to dinner in a half hour, if you wanted to join us," Ashton informed us.

"Alright, we'll get ready," I told him.

He left the room and I got up, only to be pulled back down by Luke.

"I've got to change," I tried getting up again.

"Do we have to go?" He whined.

"Yes, Luke," I laughed.

He huffed and let me get up and grab some other clothes. Luke eventually did the same, and I made my way to the bathroom.

I changed, straightened my hair, and put a little bit of makeup on. Once I came out, Luke was already ready to go. His hair was perfectly styled into a quiff, and he was wearing the usual, black.

"It's about damn time," he joked.

"Sorry," I rolled my eyes.

"Ashton, Caitlyn, Michael, and Angie already left, we're going with Penny and Calum," Luke told me.

"Okay," I nodded.

We met Penny and Calum by the door, and piled into the car.

Luke's POV:

(Back to when Celeste was getting ready)

I got changed really quickly into my usual outfit, and quickly fixed my hair.

Tonight was all planned out. I had arranged for Ashton to make up dinner plans, because I had something special for Celeste.

I reached up onto my bookshelf, and picked up the tiny box hiding behind a few picture frames.

The reason I had been so stressed this week, was because I had been debating whether or not to propose to Celeste. Michael didn't agree with me at first, but I finally got him to agree.

The boys told me to go for it, and I didn't tell any of the girls, because they would probably ruin the surprise for Celeste. I wanted this night to be perfect.


We finally got to the small restaurant, and got seated. I was going to wait a little while before I announced anything. Ashton gave me a look that said 'Good luck, mate'. Michael gave me a thumbs up, and Calum nodded.

I nodded to Ashton and he tapped on his glass.

"Excuse me? Can I have everyone's attention?" I shouted.

The whole restaurant went quiet as Celeste and the girls gave me a weird look.

"Luke, sit down," Celeste whispered.

"No, I've got this," I shook my head.

"Our friend has an announcement," Calum informed everyone.

I got out of my seat and took Celeste with me into the middle of the tiny place. She looked at me with a confused look on her face, but I ignored it.

"This girl right here is my pride and joy. It all started exactly a year and a half ago, when I met her. I was introduced to her, and I instantly took a liking to her. I was so nervous on our first date, and it was better than I expected. We've had many ups and downs, but I couldn't have gotten any luckier. We've been through everything that life threw at us, and we're still together. So I'd like to ask her something," I announced.

Celeste tilted her head to one side, confused still.

"Celeste Elizabeth, would you do the honor of being Mrs. Hemmings?" I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring.

She gasped, tears forming in her eyes. A smile appeared on her face, and she nodded her head quickly.

"Yes. Yes I will," she tackled me in a hug, so I spun us around a few times. I put her down and kissed her, happy as can be.

The restaurant erupted in loud cheering, and I smiled.

This is what I've been wanting. I don't know why I had to debate about this. I knew this is what i wanted all along.

I love this girl, I always have. And now I always will.




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