Chapter 35- You're the reason.

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Song for this chapter: The Only Reason- 5 Seconds of Summer


Celeste's POV:

As soon as Caitlyn said that, Luke and I were rushing to Ashton's side.

His skin was oddly pale and his body was limp and lifeless.

"Here's where he was shot," Caitlyn pointed to his side.

"Call for help," I told Luke.

He dialed 911 and explained everything, the kidnapping, the shooting, and that he needed an ambulance.

"Thank you," Luke hung up.

I sat on the floor next to him and Caitlyn, not leaving Ashton's side. I was upset that I was the reason that this happened.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Luke asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm okay. He didn't do anything to me but chain me up. And one of his men slapped me," I explained.

"I just hope he goes to prison," Luke said.

"Not if he's not alive by then," I nodded over in Sam's direction. He was laying on the floor, still holding his chest.

Caitlyn's eyes were red and puffy, and she kept staring at Ashton. She hugged her knees to her chest, and her eyes kept watering. I felt bad, because the one that she loved was hurt, and it was because of me.

The police and ambulance arrived minutes later, clearing out the four dead men.

"Which one of you called us?" An officer asked.

Luke stood up. "That was me."

"Who needs the ambulance?" He wondered.

"He does," Caitlyn pointed to Ashton.

"Alright. One person may ride in the ambulance with him, and I'll question the other two," the officer explained.

"I'll go," Caitlyn volunteered.

The paramedic lifted Ashton on the stretcher and Caitlyn followed him outside.

"So what happened?" The officer pulled out a notepad.

"I met Sam in Sydney, Australia. That's where i live. He kidnapped my best friend and I, the girl who left with the paramedic, but he-" I pointed to Luke. "And the kid who needed the ambulance came in and tried to defend us, since we were unarmed. They were too, but the shooting got out of hand, and those four men ended up shot and killed, my friend was shot, and the kidnapper was shot and is barely alive," I pointed to Sam.

"Get him out," the officer ordered the others.

They listened, and I realized that I was shaking. Luke pulled me into a hug, and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you, and I really hope your friend gets better," the officer smiled and shook our hands.

"Thanks, officer," Luke managed to say.

He walked with me outside, and I watched the police pull away.

"We don't have a ride," I observed.

"Don't worry, I had Michael hide around the corner," Luke replied.

We walked around the corner of the building and sure enough, Michael and everyone else was there.

"They're alive! Wait, we're missing two," Angie looked confused.

"Ashton was hurt. Caitlyn's with him and they're on their way to the hospital," I explained.

"Well, let's go see Ashton," Michael told us to get in the car.

Caitlyn's POV:

I waited anxiously in the hospital waiting room, and looked around. It looked so sterile and clean, but also made me sick to my stomach.

I filled out everything I could and just patiently waited for a doctor to come out and tell me if Ashton's okay.

"Caitlyn?" I heard Angie's voice.

I turned around and saw everyone come in, overjoyed to see me.

"How is he?" Luke asked.

"Don't know, no one has told me anything," I shrugged.

"Well, are you guys hungry?" Michael wondered.

"You're thinking about food now?" Celeste giggled.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if anyone else was hungry," Michael nodded.

"You guys can go if you want, I'll call you once I find out anything," I told them.

"I'll stay," Celeste volunteered.

"Me too," Luke piped up.

Celeste sat next to me, and Luke sat on the other side of her.

"Which one of you is Caitlyn Anderson?" A nurse asked.

"I am," I stood up.

"Ashton is in stable condition, and we've removed the bullet that was lodged in his side. He's still unconscious and we don't know when he'll be waking up. You may go see him if you'd like, room 206," the nurse explained to me.

"Thank you," I smiled in relief. At least he was in stable condition.

I found room 206 and didn't go in right away. I braced myself for what I would see, and knowing I couldn't hear his voice or see him smile was hurting me.

I opened the door and tried to keep my cool. Ashton was hooked up to a bunch of beeping machines, his skin was really pale, and he looked so lifeless.

I wish he was awake, so I could hear his voice that made me so happy to hear. So I could see him smile which brightens my day, and so I could hear his laugh which was adorable and contagious.

But instead, he wasn't moving, talking, or laughing, he was just lying there, unconscious. I grabbed his hand and held it between both of mine.

"Ash, you can't hear me, but I wish you could. You're strong, and I know you can make it through this. It means a lot to me that you went through this just to save me. I love you, and I hope you know that. I love you so much, baby," I whispered, warm tears falling down my cheeks.

"How is he?" I recognized Luke's voice.

"He's not himself, that's for sure," I tried to lighten the mood.

"It's so weird, seeing him like this. He's always so full of life and happiness," Celeste sighed.

"I know," I agreed.

Seeing him like this hurt me, but I know he'll make it through. He's strong.

"It'll be okay, Caiti," Celeste assured me.

"I know," I repeated.

"It's my fault," she whispered.

"Cel, no, why would you think that?" I shook my head.

"I'm the one who met Sam, I kicked him out of my house and left him in Sydney without telling him. It was his way of getting back at me," Celeste nodded.

"Celeste, it's not your fault that he was fucked up in the head. Sure, I'm upset that Ashton's in this state, but it's not because of you," I pulled her into a hug.

Sometimes the people who love you get hurt, but they're only trying to protect you.



Legit crying wtf


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