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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


Dinah Jane.. Lost the Found

"Normani, where-are, where

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"Normani, where-are, where..." I was hyperventilating again.

Normani grabbed my hand and dragged me back towards her room.

Once we were there, she gently nudged me down onto the bed. I was freaking out.

Could there really be a place on earth or where ever I was, where there were NO MEN. NO BOYS.

Normani sat next to me silent, letting me freak out.

Where did all the younger girls come from? Some of them looked as young as five. I mean Normani was born here, right? Onika made it seem like she was 900 years old. Had she left to conceive Normani who was the same age as I was?

What was going on?

"Dinah Jane, I-"

"Please, stop calling me that," I snapped. I was being rude again, but I just -

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset," she said softly. The tone of Normani's voice instantly drew my attention to her face. I'd really hurt her feelings.

"Oh Normani. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that at home everyone calls me Dinah or DJ. All my friends, my dad. So call me Dinah, okay?" I tried to use my most apologetic tone. I felt really bad.

She seemed to get that. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"I like just Dinah. It's pretty," she said. I smiled back at her.

"Normani, please can you tell me what's going on? Where are all the men?"

She looked down at her hands, a pained expression on her face.

"Normani, please."

"Dinah. I can't. I really want to. I like you so much. I want to tell you, but I can't."

I liked her a lot too and I hated that it was bothering her to keep things from me.

"Why not? Why can't you tell me?" I asked quietly.

"Cause-well, you might not stay and there's certain things about our home here that only people who stay can know."

"Oh," I relented. I could see where that would be a problem. Themyscira was beautiful and really I didn't want to leave, but I had to get back to Gordon. He'd be worried sick in the three short days we'd be cut off from each other. I couldn't handle making him wonder if I was really okay any longer than that.

Suddenly Normani huffed a deep frustrated sigh and stood up, crossing her arms around her chest. She looked like a toddler about to throw a wicked tantrum. It was actually really cute.

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