The Journey

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


Dinah.. Cleansed and Transported

Maybe I should have been nicer to "Grandma", but her and Giselle had been asking a lot of me lately. I finally had someone I loved and trusted in and I wasn't exactly up for walking away from her, not right now.

I watched as the Queen and Giselle continued their visual battle of wits for a few moments more. Normani kept a firm hold on my hand. She didn't say anything, but I knew she was with me on this. She didn't want us to be separated either, not forcibly, for any amount of time.

My other hand went behind my back and I rubbed Normani's soft hand between my palms. She swallowed nervously, but scooted a little bit closer. I turned slightly and kissed her on her forehead. That seemed to help her relax a little. I could feel her shed a little of the tension on her shoulders.

Finally Giselle and the Queen turned back to Normani and I. I guessed they'd made their decision.

"Normani can join you for one day and then you are to spend some time alone with your father before returning," the Queen declared. I turned my gaze towards Normani. She looked back at me, nodding slightly. Maybe this was the best offer we would get.


"Giselle, Amandla will perform the Cleansing and the three of you will depart." I didn't bother asking what she was talking about. Normani would tell me. Giselle simply nodded and then started walking towards Normani and I. Onika was not far behind her.

"Follow me please," Giselle said walking past us.

Onika caught up and laced her arm with mine, towing us along.

"Amandla, Lauren's sister, will perform what we call a Cleansing," Onika told me.

"It's sort of like a quickie baptism," Normani added with a small smile. She was so adorable. I couldn't wait to be alone with her again – for more than one reason.

"That's correct. And once you are 'Cleansed' you will be officially considered an Amazon. You will also be invincible in the moral realm."

I stopped walking.


"Dinah, you'll be one of us now, well like your Mother and the other Amazons. You'll be an immortal. You'll be invincible."

I thought about this for a moment. Well tried to at least, but gave up when Normani's fingers squeezed mine. I think she was trying to tell me to take everything one step at a time. That's what I would have to do. Living for forever, being able to toss myself off tall buildings wasn't something I could really wrap my mind around. And honestly it wasn't something I wanted to think about at the moment. I had a baptism to get to.

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