The Fever

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


Dinah Jane.. Lost then Found

I had to look away

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I had to look away. I am not prude by any means. The girls in the lagoon had really just caught me by surprise. They were just having some fun, but this was too much. I had seen pornos before. It's hard not to stumble upon them on the internet from time to time, but this was different.

This wasn't a two by three box on a screen. These two people, close enough to touch, fucking hard and rough against the wall, a few feet away from Normani and I. All of it, the whole scene was too much for me to process. I was instantly aroused, but it felt wrong. It made my stomach turn in circles. It was too much.

And they didn't stop. They didn't look up. They were just too involved.

"This is-" Normani started, but stopped as soon as she saw the look on my face. "Oh Dinah, I - Come with me." Sun, Moon and Sky watched as Normani pulled me towards the door. "You may continue," she yelled to them. Quickly they snapped right back to work, pounding and soldering.

Normani led me back outside and again gave me a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the sun, that was now beginning to set. She closed the heavy door sealing the sounds and the heady scent behind it. My legs folded beneath me and I sunk to the grass. Normani sat down next to me, but didn't say anything.

I needed some time.

There was nothing wrong with what I just saw. People have sex. People have sex all the time. Two people had sex and made me. I think two people had sex and made Normani. I just wasn't ready to see sex, like that, right in front of my face.

The sounds of Earth's grunts echoed in my head.

Was this somewhere I would want to stay, having sex and sensuality shoved down my throat like this? How did these people get anything done? Why did they even bother with the robes?

"That was Earth and there is one more man, Fire, but he only serves the Queen." She said quietly.

"Oh," was all I could muster.

"Dinah, I-"

"No Normani, don't worry about it. I just wasn't expecting.." I couldn't finish my thought. Ever since I woke up every moment had been filled with something unexpected. God. I hadn't even been on the island a full twenty-four hours. What the hell else would I find out in the next two and a half days?

Normani moved then and sat right across from me.

"Dinah there is something you have to know, before I bring you to supper. We are very different here in the way we express our affection," she giggled nervously, "as you may have noticed."

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