The Decision

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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


Normani Kordei.. Dazed and Confused

I was not a selfish person

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I was not a selfish person. None of us were. Some of us were slightly more aggressive in terms of going after what we wanted, but not a single woman on this island was selfish or cruel. I was often commended on how giving and especially caring I was when it came to how I treated others.

But this was the first time in my whole life I felt that I had the right to be selfish. I wanted Dinah so bad and I wanted her to want me too, in a very specific way. I wanted her to want me in a full and complete way.

There were a lot of differences between my world and hers, but because of her, I was different than every other woman on the island.

I was made for Dinah.

I do not mean that in the way most would think. I do not mean to say that Dinah and I are so kindred, so compatible, that I was so fond of her, that I knew in the back of my mind we belonged together.

No, I was literally made for her.

When Giselle became pregnant with Dinah, she wanted her to have a Match, specially created for her. The problem was, that Dinah could easily decide not to stay. She could remain on Earth, meet a nice young man, marry, have children and die of old age. She could stay on Earth and have a happy, full life. But if Dinah stayed on Earth, she would never have me. And worse yet, I would never have Dinah.

Mother and Giselle are said to be the most perfect Match in our whole history. Every Match is thorough and true, but there has been tales of Matches broken by extreme odds. Mother and Giselle's bond was deemed by the Gods to be unbreakable.

Mother once told me that Giselle's life, her duty to serve was so taxing on her heart and mind that she would need someone, an immortal to turn to. My mother thought she would find her Match among the caregivers or among the healers, like herself. But from the moment they reached maturity, they could not be separated. Giselle was able to make her decision to leave, although it did hurt my mother, because she knew Mother would always love her, she knew my mother understood what the mortal realm needed from Giselle and she could not deny Giselle the task. It was too great to ignore.

That is why, even though Giselle remains in the mortal realm, their bond remains the same. Giselle could not reason with the idea of having anyone, but my mother giving birth to Dinah's Match.

Giselle is an Amazon. Although there were many opposed to her decision, she was the only one, besides Queen Hippolyta powerful enough to protect mankind. All of the Amazons have powers, but in a way Giselle's skills in combat and her strict code of ethics far surpassed those of the other Amazons, including the Queen.

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