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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


Dinah Jane.. Lost then Found

"There you are Princess," his voice was deep and soothing

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"There you are Princess," his voice was deep and soothing. Not at all what I would expect out of the mouth of such a flamboyantly beaked and feathered bird.

What the hell? Did he just talk?

"What did you just say?" I asked, my eyes drawn, peering at him. The freaking bird just talked to me.. in plain English. I had to be hallucinating.

"The Queen asked me to bring you something to eat. You must be famished," his voice still smooth and even.

I closed my eyes shaking my head.

"I understand where you come from you are unable to communicate with the animals. My-vocal abilities must come as quite a shock to you."

You can say that again.

"No I-Normani told me you.. the other birds could talk, but that I wouldn't be able to understand you unless I decided to stay."

"And have you?" he asked.

"No," I replied hesitantly.

And then he shrugged. The bird. The toucan with the bright beak, he crooked his head to side and shrugged, his wings rising around his neck.

What the..

"Well I don't know, Princess," he said. "Eat. The flesh is very sweet. I think you will like it."

"Okay," I muttered. I couldn't stop staring at him. I was talking to a freaking bird and he was talking back and his grammar was better than mine.

I reached past the bird to rinse the fruit in the stream. The water even smelled clean from where I was sitting.

"NO!" the bird shouted. I jerked my hand back. I didn't know whether to be more scared of the harsh sound of his voice or the way his beak whipped towards my hand.

"What?" I gasped.

He took a deep breath. It was still weird.

"You don't need to wash it. It was washed before I brought it to you and my mouth, well it is cleaner than yours."

"Oh," I said. He was lying. Was there something wrong with the water in the stream? I had a feeling he wouldn't tell me. Maybe I could pry the information from Normani later.

I brought the fruit to my lips and took a bite.

He peered at me as my eyes grew wide. It was delicious.

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