Demonic Fun (All\R)

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(A\N this is going to have a bunch of demon magic and shit! Not what I usually do, but here is goes!)

(Anti's p.o.v)

"Whoa, Dark back off." I giggle, pushing him out of my way. "Hay, I was here first!" I roll my eyes. "Ya sure, then how come you had to push me away to get there?" "Donno, you moved?" "Fuck off." "Naw." He shrugs and blocks my way to the next room. I grab his shirt and drag him backwards, then step forward. A cold sensation wraps around me, as Dark uses his smoke and shadow magic to hold me in place. "Really Dark?! Let me go!" I laugh. "Nope." He steps through the door way, then lets me go. Once I'm able to move I quickly let my own, green smoke tie around him. But he obviously expected it, moving out of the way before I can close in on him. "You're too slow." He mocks. Growling, I fire off several blasts of smokey green electricity, making him dance about. "You wanna play!?" Dark growls through a smile. "Let's play." He pushes a black spiraling barrier toward me. I have to retreat as I close my eye, letting it "charge", when I open, glitchy spirals hit Dark's attack, on contact they both disintegrate.

Sending more glitchy smoke, taking Dark by surprise, I pull him out into the living room. Through the smoke I can see him grin. "What's the grin for Darkimoo" His grin immediately gets replaced with a snarl on hearing the hated nickname. With a deep growl, his eyes glowing a bright red, he lets his wings form. With them he breaks away from my smoke, flying above and hitting me with a cold ball of blackness. On impact to my chest, I stumble back, the air knocked out of me. Going with it, I fall to the ground and disintegrate into wisps green and black, teleporting to the other side of the room, behind the floating Dark. Forming my own, green wings, I quickly and silently fly up behind, and grab him. One arm wraps around his middle, pinning both arms. With my other hand I form a knife out of smoke and hold it to his throat. He holds completely still, pressing his head into me to get away from the knife. "Not so bold when there's a knife to your neck any Darki boy." "You would be the same." He grumbles. "I don't think so, I'd never been in your position. I'd always have the knife." "Wanna bet?" "I'm a gambler." I whisper into his ear.

A huge blast of energy hits me, forcing me back no matter what I did to counteract it. I hit the wall with a hard thud, sliding down to the floor. But I'm down for a only millisecond, before dodging Dark's claws as he practically lands on me. Rolling away I trip him with my foot, sending him into the couch with enough force to send it back several inches. With an angry growl he gets up. I giggle at the sight of him. Poor guy I fooled his plans. "Sorry...was something else suppose to happen?" I chuckle dancing about the air. He grabs hold of the back of the couch, pulling himself up. His nails easily tear through the material, leaving five long gashes. A black aurora surrounds him, making his already bright red eyes seem brighter. "Oops. Someone's mad." I say, flying backward as Dark lifts into the air, firing nonstop shadows at me. I return fire, as each hit the other, they either spiral away, crashing into stuff around the room, or they fizzle out in electrified sparks. Some from Dark hit me in a cold rush, pushing me back. My own does the same, but without the same effect, they just hit him. Stepping up my game to match, his now rage, I let spiraling green bursts of pure electricity.

In order to shield himself, Dark moves a wing in front of him, blocking his aim at me. Taking this I swirl up a large greenish black electrified force field. The second I send it flying at Dark, he returns it with another swirling wall of black, but this one laced with sharp red shards. The two hit, the impact throwing both Dark and I across the room, hitting opposite walls with a loud thud. I slide to the floor, coughing in the effort of forcing oxygen back into my lungs. I hear Dark doing the same, his coughs muffled by our distance, and a hand. I stand up and look over at Dark, who scrambles up once he sees me on my feet. His hair falls in his face in messy black wisps.

"ALRIGHT YA ASSHOLES. YOU DONE YET!?" I turn to see Sean coming in from the kitchen, Mark peeks out from the doorway. "All I did was call you both in for the cookies. Not a renovation of the entire living room." Sean says, waving a hand around the room. I look about, seeing the mess Dark and I made. The couch is completely moved out of place, not to mention the gashes from Dark lining the back. Several pictures are either tilted or on the floor. The coffee table is turned over, the magazines, remotes and empty mugs liter the floor around it. I point at Dark. "Not my fault, he started it." Dark looks at me with a frown. "Yea sure! What are you a two year old?" "I'm just say-" "Then just shut up!" He cuts me off.

Sean slams a hand to his face, dragging it down in annoyance. "Would you both just fucking shut up. And clean this up would ya?" "But I want cookies." I grumble. Mark steps around the corner holding a cookie. "Last one." He smiles, popping the entire thing in his mouth. Sean, Dark and I all yell at him. "What!?" "You had better be joking." I growl. Dark lunges at him. Sean stomps past them into the kitchen. "You've got to be kidding me. There were a lot there-" "I'm just kidding! Dark let me go! I didn't eat them all! I didn't!" Sean comes back out with a large plate of them. "Well you don't get anymore." Dark lets go of the now pouting Mark. "But..." "You already had a lot! And people say I'd do anything for cookies." Sean chuckles, then smacks Darks hand away. "Hay!" "Hay yourself." Sean points at him then at me. "Neither of you get any till this is completely cleaned up." We both growl at him. "What's that for? You wouldn't hurt me. I'm not intimidated by either one of ya." Dark looks at me, a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. I giggle knowing what he was thinking. With a quick hand movement I wrap Sean up in smoke, as Dark does the same with Mark. The plate of cookies fall from Sean's hands as he yelps in surprise. I catch the plate and throw Dark a few. "We'll just go enjoy ourselves with these here cookies." I chuckle to Sean, as I walk past. "Asshole." He grumbles. Setting the plate on the kitchen counter I hear Mark yell. "Don't eat them all!" "You had enough already Mark!" Sean says.

I pop a cookie into my mouth, still warm, melting in my mouth. "Should we eat em all?" Dark chuckles eating another. "Sure why not." I shrug. "I heard that! Don't you dare!" Sean yells. "Whatcha gonna do to stop us!?" Dark yells back. "I won't make any more!" Dark growls, and I frown, Sean can bake some really good cookies. "Fine...we won't eat them all..." I say. "And don't just leave one!" I roll my eyes then whisper to Dark. "Leave two." He chuckles and nods.

(A\N That was longer then expected, but whatever!)
Oh! And don't forget, requests are still open. Go ahead and give me some ideas! I'd love to hear em and write em!

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