Chapter 8: surprise

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Shadow then told sonic the plan and he nodded in agreement and sonic started to dive down. "Almost there." shadow started to lean back. "S - shadow!" sonic started to panic. "Almost . . ." the beast was about to galp them down until. "NOW!!!" sonic then turned around and shot a fireball into the dragon's mouth. The dragon started to fall down lifeless. "OH NO!!!" sonic and shadow both got hit by the tail knocking shadow off sonic and sonic's wing replacement fell off. "SHADOW!!!" sonic then used his other wing to catch up with him as they went into the fire. Moments later Ivo finally found sonic but no shadow. "Is shadow with you?" he asked worried. Sonic nodded and opened his wing with shadow looking lifeless. "SON!!!" Ivo then checked if there was a heartbeat and . . . there was. "Y -y - you brought him back alive." sonic smiled before he passed out. "We have to get these two home pronto." Ivo and the crew got on newly built ships that tails made. One hour later they made it home and sonic was starting to wake up from his well deserved nap. "Ugh what happened and where's shad-" just before sonic could finish his sentence he saw shadow on his bed with a robot leg. "I better not wake him up." so sonic waited .

Later shadow finally started to wake up. "Where am I?" sonic then saw he was awake. "Sonic you're OK!" shadow said with joy. "Yeah but what about you with your leg?" asked sonic worried. "I'll be fine but what about the baby?" "It's fine tails took a look so we wouldn't worry." "OK that two tailed fox is a genius." shadow stated. "But the only thing that I'm worried about is how the citizens will react." sonic started to lay his head next shadow. "How about we find out right now?" shadow then got up but soon to almost fall face first to the floor until sonic catches him just in time. "Here hop on." insisted sonic to hop in his back. Shadow nodded and got on as he and sonic both walked out so see loads of people surrounding them and started to talk all at once. "Shadow good to see that you're up." said Ivo. "Yeah and dad can we call a town meeting please?" asked shadow. "Of course. EVERYONE MY SON HAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!" Ivo yelled so everyone could hear him. "Everyone this is sonic as you all know." everyone nodded in agreement. "Sonic and I are mates and we are having a pup." "WHAT!?!?!?!" everyone asked in complete shock. "I told you this would go badly." sonic whispered. There seconds later everyone started cheering for the new couple and new citizen. "What just happened?" asked sonic in shock. "There happy for us." and our tale comes to an end or does it?

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