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Hey guys! Once again I'm so sorry for not updating in more than 2 weeks! I honestly haven't had time, and my data is off on my phone, so I can't really write while I'm not at home. I'm gonna try to update regularly again, but I can't guarantee anything, as I am going through some personal stuff right now. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Katelyn's P.O.V.~
I wake up with sweat beading on my forehead. Shawn lays next to me, and holds me tightly in his arms.

"Is it just me or is this bus really hot at night?" Shawn asks groggily as the bus rolls to a stop.

"Definitely not just you," I reply.

"Alright guys! Time to get up!" Geoff yells from the doorway, clapping his hands.

Everyone makes their way to the bathroom to change, and we head off of the bus. We are led into a hotel by Andrew, and I am engulfed in the smell of food.

"Food!" Shawn exclaims, reading my mind. The whole group bursts into laughter, and we head towards the cafeteria. We make our way through the line, piling food on our plates. Shawn and I sit together at a table, and start devouring our food. We finish within 5 minutes, and go back for seconds. After finishing that, we wait for everyone else to finish eating.

  "You two should go get settled in your room, and get some rest before the soundcheck and meet and greet," Andrew suggests.

  "Alright, come get us when it is time," Shawn replies, standing up and grabbing my hand.

  We make our way to our new hotel room. After unlocking the door, we walk inside. Immediately I plop down on the bed, and Shawn crawls in next to me. I wrap my arms around his torso, laying my head on his chest. Soon I hear small snores escape Shawn's mouth, and I am also taken by sleep.

Shawn's P.O.V.~
  I wake up to light pounding on the door. Katelyn stirs next to me, but ends up cuddling more into my side.

  "Shawn, Katelyn, lets go. Time for sound check," Geoff yells.

  "Coming," I respond.

  I carefully sit up, rubbing Katelyn's shoulder and planting kisses all over her face. She groans knowing we have to get up.

  "I'm sorry baby, I know you're tired but we have to go now."

  "Yeah, okay," She grumbles before slowly getting up and stretching.

  We quickly clean ourselves up and change. We hurry downstairs to find the crew waiting.

  "Did you enjoy your nap?" Ashley asks with a smirk.

  "Yes. Yes we did," Katelyn responds, ignoring any insinuations. Chuckles erupt from the crew.

We make our way to the venue, and Katelyn and I prepare for the soundcheck.

Cheers erupt from the crowd, as we walk on stage. Katelyn drags her ankle boot along with her. We sing through our set list, and Katelyn keeps perfect harmony. I smile, knowing this is our future. I will get to sing and perform with her for many years to come. I can't wait to be married to her, and to start a family. As we walk off of the stage, hand-in-hand, we are given many compliments by the crew. Katelyn's harmony was perfect as usual, but she claims I do the hard work.

  We make our way back to the hotel, and Katelyn leans into my shoulder.

  "I love you baby, and you did so great tonight," I whisper in her ear.

  "I love you too, and you did even better," she responds tiredly.

  We go to our hotel room, change, and once again plop down on the bed. Katelyn wraps her arms around my waist, and rests her head on my stomach. She immediately falls asleep. I lay there stroking her hair, cuddling closer to her. Eventually, I fall asleep with her close to my side.

  "Shawn! Wake up! We have a big problem!" Andrew yells from outside our room. Katelyn drowsily looks up at me in confusion. I get up and let him in.

  "What is it Andrew?" I ask frustratedly.

  "Alyssa is really sick, and we don't know anyone here to fill in for her."

  "Can't we just not have a second opener?" I ask.

  "Not really."

  "I might know someone who can solve our problem," Katelyn says slowly, making all heads turn to her in anticipation.

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