Chapter 4: Guts

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Chapter 4: Guts

I stared after Shane as he slid through the open window on the ground level on the apartment building. I still had no clue what their plan was so watching Rick helping Shane haul over a few dead-ones kind of scared me. I stared at the things in disgust.

“Don’t worry, they’re dead.” chuckled Shane as he climbed back in through the window.

“Pardon the pun,” I smirked as I pinched my nose due to the god awful smell “poor bugger’s been killed twice already.”

“Yeah, what exactly do you plan to do with these?” frowned Lola as she observed the two corpses.

“Exactly what we did a week ago when we were in the city,” smiled Rick “we’re gonna become Walkers.”

I was horrified. I had no idea what they meant, meaning I was quick to judge.

“You’re going to kill us?!” I yelped as my hand reached for the knife that remained in my pocket.

The smile on Rick and Shane’s faces grew until they looked like their heads were about to explode. The two of them burst out into laughter at this obvious misunderstanding.

“What?” hissed Lola “what’s so funny?”

“We’re not planning on killing you,” laughed Rick “but you might want to do it yourself once this is over.”

“He’s kidding, of course.” Grinned Shane.

I couldn’t wipe the frown from my face. What they said wasn’t funny by any means and my understanding of their previous speech wasn’t exactly hilarious either. They said that we would become Walkers, what else was I meant to think?

“Nope, you’re in for one hell of a ride my friend.” Chortled Rick.

“You ready to get your hands dirty?” asked Shane as he took a couple of axes out from the weapon bag, handing me one.

I took it firmly in my hands as Shane continued to stare at me with an amused expression on his face “follow my lead.”

Shane gripped the axe tightly before bringing it down onto the dead-one’s body, brown blood splattering all over the place and onto my clothing. He wrenched the axe out of the dead one as the blade had gotten caught between a couple of its brittle bones, before lifting it up and down again into the dead-one.

“Are you gonna help or not?” asked Shane as he smashed the axe into the dead-one repeatedly.

I didn’t say anything, I just nodded quickly before positioning myself at the legs of the dead-one.

“Woah, we don’t need the legs,” said Shane as he heaved a sigh “It’s the guts we’re looking for.”

“Oh no, don’t tell me…” I said, dazed by what was coming. I knew what this was. I knew exactly what we were about to do. We were, just like they said, going to become dead-ones. We would dress up as them, their guts are our disguise. They can smell the difference between them and a live human being, and so can we. We would blend in by smell.

“Fuck, I don’t want to do this.” I groaned as I dropped my axe on the ground.

“Why not?” asked Shane.

“I’m not draping someone’s fucking intestine around my neck!” I exclaimed.

“Look sweetheart, we don’t have all day,” said Shane in annoyance “we either do this and go or you two can stay and die here.”

“Shane!” yelled Rick “choose your words more carefully!”

Shane rolled his eyes at Rick before bringing the axe into the dead-one once more. I knew what Shane was thinking at this point; he thought we couldn’t handle it. Shane thought we were just some pussies afraid of gore. Well, I was about to prove him wrong.

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