Chapter 6: The Pizza Hutt Kidnapping

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Chapter 6: The Pizza Hutt Kidnapping

No matter how much I ran, they never gave up. I was starting to get tired and out of breath. I wasn’t sure if I could do this for much longer. How far do I have to run until I lose them? Will they ever give up? They were hungry; you could see it in their white mesh eyes. They wanted me alive so they could tear into me; rip up my fresh flesh in a flush of desperate hunger. I never stopped running, in fact I continued for as long as I could. Unfortunately, my strain for survival was a lost cause. I ran to the intersection and looked around, franticly searching for an escape. But there was nowhere. They were coming from all four roads at the intersection, running as fast as their decaying limbs would allow them. I was stuck. I was going to die. A heart-wrenching scream burst from in between my lips as I collapsed onto my knees on the cement ground. I saw the things coming for me, the humming noise of their groans echoing nearing closer and closer. Before long, they got to me. I was theirs now. They tore into me. They came up from behind me, their rotting teeth sinking into the crevice of my neck near my collar bone. I kept screaming as they ripped the skin from me, my bright red blood oozing from every gaping hole in my body that they had created and onto the road. I could feel the flesh being torn from my legs. I felt them gnawing on my fingers. I was dying, but I had never felt more alive. This pain was real. One of the things launched itself right on top of me and bit at my cheek, ripping the meat they so desired right off. I screamed and screamed and screamed but I was dying. No one could help me. I was being eaten alive. No one could save me.

I could feel the hot sun burning my legs as they lay outside the rim of the umbrella. The sudden feeling of someone’s hot breath on my neck and the unexpected landing of someone’s hand on my shoulder woke me with a start. I screamed and lunged up from my sleeping bag, extending my fist as I did so.

“Fuck!” I heard a familiar voice groan.

I opened my eyes to see Shane crouching beside me and rubbing his jaw.

My eyes were wide with shock when I came to the realization of what I had just done, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed, now on my knees next to Shane.

“It’s fine.” He moaned.

“No, it’s not,” I said sternly, “Let me see.”

Shane removed his hand from his jaw to reveal a purple-red bruise that was now blossoming on his face. I lifted my cold hands to his face and gave it a light rub.

“It should heal in a day or two.” I said with a frown. I sighed and looked back up at my injured friend, “I really am sorry.”

“It’s awright,” he said with a faint smile, “You’re not the only one having nightmares”

“I’ve had the same recurring dream since the outbreak started.” I stated, getting up from the sleeping bag and rubbing my numb ass for a brief moment.

“May I ask what about?” asked Shane as he climbed down the ladder from the roof of the RV and landed sturdily on the dirt ground.

“Just about getting ripped apart alive by those freaks.” I grumbled, clumsily climbing down the ladder, Shane’s hands on my waist the whole way down just in case I slipped.

I looked up at the sun that was scorching amongst the placid, bright blue sky and then back out to the camp, the inhabitants hustling and bustling about. I walked with Shane to where Amy stood chatting with  Lola. The two looked as though they were getting along quite well and the sight of Lola learning to trust warmed my heart. I walked up behind my dear friend and placed my hand solidly on her shoulder. She continued to talk to Amy as she glanced over at me with a smile. The conversation then ceased as I saw Andrea call out to her sister from across the lot.

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