Chapter 12: Time is Running Out

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Chapter 12: Time is Running Out


“-and she was always using up the water you know? Jeez, our water bills were going through the roof! And I only had a job at Hot Topic yeah, so they were hard to pay as well.” I said, reminiscing with the rest of the camp about life before the apocalypse.
“Well now we all have something to use against her, so thanks for that Lola.” Laughed Rick as he ruffled Carl’s hair.
“They were the good times.” I sighed, getting a spoonful of the mashed potato that Lori had prepared earlier on and eating it.
“Could you pass the fish please?” asked Amy as she held her plate out to Rick who set another few slices of the freshly caught fish on her plate. “Thanks.” She smiled, her cheeks turning a cute rosy colour.

“I gotta ask you man, it’s been driving me crazy.” said Morales as he looked over at Dale who was sitting relaxed, slumped back in his camping chair.
“What?” asked Dale.
“That watch.”
“What’s wrong with my watch?” chuckled Dale, grinning through the entirety of his talking.
“I see you every day, same time, winding that thing, like a village priest saying mass.” Stated Morales.
Andrea and Amy nodded in agreement in sync with each other.
“I’ve wondered this myself.” I giggled, forking a piece of carrot into my mouth.
“I’m missing the point.” Said Dale.
“Unless I’ve misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end.” I explained with a laugh, “or at least it’s hit a speed bump for a long while.”
“But there’s you every day winding that stupid watch.” Continued Morales.
“Time, it’s important to keep track, isn’t it?” replied Dale, “The days at least. Don’t you think Andrea? Back me up here.”
Andrea shook her head and rolled her eyes in amusement. She let out what appeared to be like the beginning of a laugh, but took a big gulp of her beer to cover it up.
“I like, I like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch that’d been handed down through generations.” started Dale, obviously the start to a story which we were all intrigued to hear, “He said ‘I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father’s before me. I give it to you, not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it, for a moment now and then, and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it.’”
“You are so weird.” Mumbled Amy as she looked at Dale, at which everyone one of us surrounding the campfire laughed hysterically at.
“It’s not me!” chortled Dale, “it’s Faulkner, William Faulkner. Maybe it’s just my bad paraphrasing.”

It was almost dark at this point of the day and the entirety of the camp, except for Ed who was in his tent feeling ill after Shane had beaten the shit out of him those few days ago, was huddled around a lovely campfire. We were all eating the veggies and bits of Woodchuck as we laughed and talked with each other. Other missing members from the camp that weren’t currently by the campfire with us were Shane and Zelda. I wasn’t sure where they had gone off too, but I prayed that the both of them were safe.
“I can’t believe it’s my birthday tomorrow.” Huffed Amy as she leaned on my shoulder.
“Oh really? You never told me, you jerk!” I laughed as I playfully punched her in the arm. “How old are you turning?”
“I’m turning twenty tomorrow.” She smiled, “it’s crazy how time flies, hey?”
“I didn’t get you anything.” I sulked, hanging my head low. My blonde hair gave off golden tinges as the fire illuminated it.
“And where on earth would you get me something in an apocalypse?!” she laughed.
“I can always make you something.” I smiled, “hold on Amy, I’ll be right back.”
I gave her a quick hug before getting up from the dusty ground and making my way to the lookout that was only a two minute walk away from camp.

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