Kiss of death

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I'm laying in my bed but I can't sleep. Knowing that my kidnapper was three floors below me Valentino told me he would handle the situation but I'm not one to just sit around and wait.Walking out of the bedroom I go off in search of Syn heading to the living room she's laying on the couch. "Hey girl what's up, we haven't talked since you've been back". "He's here Syn, they have Samuel here"; "WHAT!" she yells "What do you mean he's here, why is he not dead"? "Valentino and Samuel are cousins, I really don't know I wasn't really paying attention after he said he was here". Even sitting here talking to Symphoni about it made my head spin did Valentino really think I was going to stay in a house with my kidnapper

Syn I don't want to stay here if he's here I 'm not comfortable", Symphoni stared at me before standing up "Okay don't worry about we can leave if you want but first let me take care of a few things". She left me in the living room having nothing else to do I headed back to the bedroom.

Symphoni POV

' Where would they keep him, why is this house so damn big did I already go down this hall?. Trickly; trickly where do you keep a vampire that's your prisoner but also your cousin? that's the million dollar question'. Walking down another hallway that takes me to a dead end "The fuck kind of house has a dead end', Going back the way I had just come from I see Mateo talking to some unknown gentlemen'Okay things just got interesting'. Mateo looks up to see me looking at him he excuses himself and heads my way. "Hey pretty girl what are you doing in this part of the house?", "You know just exploring "I answered him "And you, what are you doing I thought I left you drained in bed". "Funny Syn but I'm a vampire, not one of those mortals you like fucking". "Not the point answer my question";"Nothing you need to worry about come on let us go back to our room". 'He must be down that hall I saw Mateo by, ok now that I know where he is I have a vampire to tire out so I can handle business'

'Fuck me four hours and he's still going, and I thought I was the sex demon' Mateo finally passed out. Now if I could just get my legs to walk properly everything would be all good. 'So not going to lie it took me a good forty minutes before I got some feeling back through my legs but once that was okay I was ready to move. Walking through the house I walked pass Delanei room to hear the sounds of moaning good that means Val's business this makes my job easier' Valentino may be hesitant to kill Samuel because he's family but he's not mine you know who is tho Delanei. There are five guards standing by his door can you say overkill I mean really walking over I open myself up to feed taking their life force so many a few men had to die but Samuel has to go and they were in the way. Opening his room door I see him a little bruised and bloody but overall he looked fine to me, I was about to change all that though. shutting the room door behind me "Hiya Sammy this is your personal wake up call" Slapping him in his face; "Hmm look at that face and you use to be such a looker", "What do you want" he groans out he sounded miserable good. "Oh you know I was just taking a walk around the house thought I'd stop y and say hello". He gives me a dry chuckle "I know you, I've seen you at the club with Delanei, you're her succubus little sidekick". Clocking my fist back I punched him as hard as I could "First of all you don't know me, second of all I'm nobody sidekick". Saddling his lap I force him to look into my eyes "You hurt my sister, made her feel unsafe, and I just don't like you" I sucked his essence out bringing him to the point of death before giving it back I did this a couple times just to bring him pain. He starts coughing "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with your food". He questions me like really dude you're questioning me. "Oh your not food just having a little fun before I kill you, you know,

"The Guards are down, what the fuck happened here? check the area they couldn't have gotten far Mateo check Samuel room make sure he's still there". " Oh, that too bad I guess our time together has been cut short see ya in hell Sammy boy". Grabbing his face I feed Mateo comes through the door "Symphoni stop" I can feel Samuel dying so I suck faster. Mateo grabs me pulling me away; Samuel slumps over not dead yet but close. I turn around eyes glowing blue I'm pissed "Why did you stop me he was almost dead" "You can't kill him that's not the way thing happen around here," Mateo tells me "Yeah I can see how things happen around here, you should have just let me kill him. Now Delanei and I have to leave"  'What do you mean you have to leave I turn around to see Valentino standing in the door. : Well she doesn't feel safe in the house with him here, and since he stopped me from killing him" I point at Mateo "that means he's still here and she doesn't want to be good job boys, good job. I head back to the bedrooms not sure how to tell Delanei how close I was to put her fear to rest before everything got fucked up. Walking to her door I open it "When do you wanna leave" I ask her "As soon as possible"  she answer back bag already packed.

I got this out before Christmas ain't that a miracle this is kind of a slow chapter but the next couple chapters after this pick up I promise. Symphoni ready to kill for her FAMILY  

Shades out

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