Chapter 11

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"Okay bitch! Seems like to me your life don't mean shit to you! I swear the route things are going I might just end yo shit here! Now I'm going to ask you again WHO THE FUCK HAS MY CHILD!"

Melodi yelled as she hit the mystery lady upside her head with the butt of her gun. Rashawd and his crew watched as the girl moaned in pain.

Over the last two weeks Rashawd watched Melodi become crucial. She showed no mercy on nobody, in the past week Melodi had seven bodies to her name all seven had connects with Aslyn where abouts but none of them gave Melodi what she wanted to hear and she found them useless so she got rid of them.

"I told you I don't know where she is!" The woman cried as she spit out blood. Melodi pulled her long blonde hair into a messy bun as she handed Rashawd the gun.

"That's the wrong answer. Rashawd since this bitch don't want to open her mouth and tell me where our fucking child is, when I know this stupid Bitch know. I'm about to have a little fun with her, because for one I hate liers and two I hate mutha fuckas that lie to me. Shawn and David lift this bitch up! " Melodi ordered as she took the blunt from shawn.

Melodi watched as they lifted her up. Melodi smiled as she watched the girl face wash over with fear when shawn handed Melodi a acid.

" Okay look I'm done playing with you I know you know who have my daughter and what you're going to do is call them up and make sure my daughter is well and breathing, because if not I'm gonna do to you what they did to her, if they dont touch her I wont touch you. Deal?"

Melodi watched as the girl shook her head yea.

"Rashawd untie her and hand her a phone, and you better not say anything stupid. I want you to ask him where is they located and I want you to ask to speak to Aslyn and make sure she is PERFECTLY fine."

"How am I gonna do that with him not being suspicious? " The girl asked holding the phone.

"Bitch figure it out! You found away to kidnap my daughter bitch use your fuckin brains before they be all over the floor!" Rashawd said shooting her a evil look.

Everybody stayed quiet as the phone rung.

"Run ya mutha!"

"Umm I got information on Melodi and Rashawd."

The girl looked at both Rashawd and Melodi as she continued to talk.

"Okay? Talk bitch!"

"Everything will be going down tomorrow morning everything still as plan same location."

"ight cool because I'm ready to get rid of the bitch."

"Where's the girl?"

"Down in the basement."

"You didn't harm her did you?"

"No but if I cant get a hold of her mom tomorrow she'll be dead and im not Fucking playing!"

The went dead and Melodi was ready to kill something.

"Where's the location and what time?" Rashawd asked.

"Over on Oaks Park 8 o'clock." The girl said looking down.

"I can go please?"

"Let her go" Melodi said.Rashawd let go of her and they watched as the girl walked towards the door.

"Hey Cookie!" Melodi shouted as she watched cookie stop in her tracks and turn around.

"You thought I was dumb, I probably was drugged that day but I never forget a person." Melodi said pointing her gun at her.

"We had a deal!"

"Yea we did but you didn't keep your deal I asked you to speak to Aslyn that didn't happen and plus I dont like you!." Melodi said as she sent five bullets into the middle of Cookies forehead.

"Clean this up." Rashawd told the crew as he followed behind Melodi.

"I love when you take control." Rashawd said as he grabbed Melodie's arm

"And I love it when you allow me to be in control.!" Melodi said as she tongued him down.

"Lets go get our Asy!"


Okay we found out who the mystery lady was!

But who do y'all think really got Aslyn?

(It's not Jason he really is dead)

What do y'all think of the new Melodi?

Do y'all think they'll get Aslyn in time?

What do y'all think gonna happen?

These questions has to be answered before y'all can receive the next chapter.!!!!!

And I made an Kik



@ ExoticLuv_you

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