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(No one's P.O.V)

Rachel was hanging out with Santana and Brittany at lunch. Cheerios began to sit at the table and listen to the conversation. Sam admired Rachel from the guy table. When Puck looked at Rachel, Finn always tried to get his attention. "Dude... Are you listening?" Puck snapped out of his daydream and furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Finn, "what?"

"Why are you staring at Rachel?" Puck turned red from embarrassment, "I wasn't staring at Rachel! I was..." Finn rolled his eyes, "uh huh..." Finn looked over at Brittany and Santana, "Look at those two Hotties." Puck looked at Santana and Brittany, "those two? Nah...." "why not?"

"One, I'm in love with Rachel. And two, Santana would never let me tap that, especially if she doesn't want Rachel jealous." Finn looked over at Rachel, who was laughing and talking to Santana and Brittany. "You never know..." Puck nodded, "But I want a good image. Rachel would love me if I have a good image." Finn rolled his eyes again, "Just get rid of the competition." He pointed at Sam, who was gazing at Rachel. Puck nodded and went over to Sam, "Hey dude, what are you doing later?" Sam mumbled to himself then said, "I'm going out with Rachel." Puck tilted his head a bit, "Well, before you go to the 'date' want to play some COD?" Sam smiled, "Of course, dude." Puck nodded and turned to Finn, giving him a thumbs up. Finn smiled and gave him a thumbs up back.

Finn went over to Santana, Brittany, and Rachel. Finn put his arm around Santana and Brittany, "Do you girls mind coming to Breadstix with a friend and me?"

Brittany nodded, "Of course!" Santana furrowed her brows, "Depends on who the friend is." Finn whispered in her ear, "Puckerman." Santana blushed, "as long as Rachel doesn't know." Rachel was on her phone, ignoring them. Santana smiled, "Rach! We're going to Breadstix!" Rachel shrugged, "I'm already going. With Sam." Santana nudged Rachel, "ooh" Brittany joined in. Finn went to Puck, "I got the ladies." Puck smiled, "Perfect. I got the plan."

2 hours later, Puck and Finn waited for Sam to come over to Finn's house. Santana and Brittany arrived and they began to make out. In the middle of making out with Santana, the doorbell rang and Puck went to get it. Sam was there so the guys had the girls go another room, (So Sam doesn't know.)

15 minutes later, Quinn, mike, and Artie came along. Finn put Quinn in his lap and played. Soon, Finn and Puck gave Mike and Artie their controller and left with Santana and Quinn.

Meanwhile, with Rachel... "where is he?" Rachel was having doubts about Sam coming. She touched her star necklace, "I hope he's okay..." Puck walked in with Quinn, Santana and Finn. Rachel glared at Puck but when she realized he was with Santana, her heart broke. She looked down, hair covering her face. "why would he be here with her? Does he not want me? Is he jealous of Sam? Does he want me jealous? What is going on?" Quinn walked over to Rachel, "You don't need to worry about that." She sneered, "He's here to go on a date with me." Finn went over and grabbed her hand. "Uh... She's with me, Rach. No need to worry." As the couple walked away Quinn mouthed, "Santana." Rachel looked over at Pucktana and bit her lip, sadly. Puck walked over to Rachel, "Hey Rach." Rachel opened her mouth to say something but Puck interrupted her. "With Santana... We're just friends going out. Finn wanted me to come out here with him and Quinn but he didn't want me to be alone so he wanted me to bring Santana." Rachel nodded, "alright. I'm waiting for Sam. Do you know where he is or where he might be?" Puck shook his head a bit, "No... But he did say he may not be able to make it." Rachel looked down, tears stinging her eyes. "Oh..." She choked on tears, "I'll be going then..." Puck put his hand on hers and looked into her eyes, making Santana and Quinn jealous. "Stay.. I'll treat you to dinner." Rachel shook her head, disagreeing, "No. You have Santana, Finn, and Quinn waiting for you.." Puck held her other hand, "Who cares about them? It's just friends going out. We can go out whenever we want. What I care about is making you happy." Rachel blushed, "That was cheesy, but I'll take it."

After dinner, at Rachel's house. "Thank you so much, Noah. I appreciate you taking me out for dinner." Puck nodded, "I love you, Rachel." Rachel turned red, "I love you too, Noah" She kissed him and he kissed back, their tongues fighting for dominance. Rachel pulled away, smiling. She walked into her house. Puck leaned against his truck, smiling.

All of a sudden, Sam stomped to Puck, angrily, "You sabotaged me!" Puck raised an eyebrow, "No.. just distracted you." He smirked. "You're such an asshole!" Puck put a hand on his chest, offended. "Hey, Sam, Dude, Man..." "what?!" "I just wanted to win her trust back.." "You could've done that on your own time!" Puck felt guilty, "I know... but... I know she hates me. I'm trying to.. I want her.." "Well, you didn't want her when you were fucking cheerios!" Puck looked down, "Well, I'm sorry!" "Sorry doesn't cut it!" "I just want her, man" "What if I don't want to share her?" Puck looked at Sam, mouth agape. "Y-you.." Sam covered his mouth, then frowned, "I'll see you at school tomorrow..." And with that, Sam walked away.


I haven't updated in a loooooooooooooooooong time. Plez don't hate me. Hope you liked it. Took two days to write ._. I'm so goddamn lazy. anyway, this was 1013 words! I'm so proud of myself! Also, If you like this story and have it in your library... I suggest that you keep the story because I'll update it time to time. Luv you guys, Bai!

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