Moving to the United States.

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After reading my boring story or maybe tragic, we can finally talk about how I survived coming to America. 

It all started in the last of August of the 2015 year, we were talking about how we failed to go to Canada and how my father was the reason behind us not also going to Europe and so many countries, can't believe I am here now. I was in the last year of my high school and all I heard was my mom talking about applying for a visa at the US Embassy and of course I'd never see myself without my mom. My father never knew that it would work out, infact he was shocked when it all happened. I started to stop taking a lot of classes after my interview date because I believed I was meant to leave Egypt eventually and my dream came true at last.

Date of Interview, what a happy/stressing/overwhelming day that I have been I woke up that early of the morning as the interview was at 11 am, I remember myself stressing about what to wear and how to look and whether  I am gonna impress them or not, It was the moment of life as I recall it, my mother went to the bedroom to ask my father for transportation money and how funny my father hated the whole thing and all he gave her was 100 Egyptian Pounds which wasn't enough at all. It worked out, dad I am here and I'm happy although I have my days when I just want to be with my brothers arguing or talking to my imaginary friends in my room or even just talking about guys with my cousin, to me those were the happiest days for me in Egypt. We're on the bus going to the interview and we're almost late, had to leave the bus and take a cab because it was busy in the morning everyone is going to their jobs and here we are almost late for the interview of our lives, We reached the Embassy almost 15 mins earlier and there's thing big long line to the end of the Embassy's street with people from everywhere waiting for their turn, we reach out to the guy who's in charge  who told us we were missing photos and we had to go take pictures and come back which was A LOT OF MONEY! And of course anything for the interview we did it and came back and went inside, had to give all the electronics and watches and everything that beeped but it was worth it, We took a number and we sat with other 700 people and all I can see were sad faces after the interviews and this is when I was losing my mind and telling my mom we're so rejected let's just leave now but my mom was so calm which was so cool of her because I know deep down it would have broken her if we were to leave the embassy empty handed, I believe it was the latest of November and it was cold and remembering the day before the interview there was a terrorist attack in California and the man who did was originally Egyptian so that explained the sad faces that were rejected that day, I mostly believe it was only couple families who were accepted and were leaving overjoyed with happiness.

It was the moment of truth when it was our turn and here we walk towards the officer who interviewed us and he starts with the questions of why do we wanna go to the United States, I mean hello? Maybe because it's the best country in the world?? He was really nice and kind and had this smile on his face all the interview didn't suspect us for a second yet only was making jokes and laughs. It took us about 20 mins with him, I mostly did the talking because of my fluent English he was indeed impressed and asked how did I speak English very well. At the last minutes he said I'll be right back and he took both our passports and went somewhere and this was it I knew it was either a dead end or a happy start over, he comes back with a wide wide smile on his face and he looks to my mom and he says and I quote 'Congratulations on having your visa to the United States' and he handles her this green paper and she jumps with joy but I look to him and say hey what about me and he says well my dear what about you? You know what you deserve it as well and he handle me my green paper and I was so happy thanked him for about 10 mins. I couldn't believe myself, it was different it was something I have never  believed it was gonna happen but it did, we leave the big room with all this crowd for their destinies knowing ours is decided, we say goodbye to the security man with a big smile and he knows so he smiles back and this is when we leave the United States's Embassy. We decided to keep quiet and not to say anything till we get back home so we turned our phones off and we took the bus back home and here we are on the way home with our one way to America, not a single word was said on the bus we were still in shock till about we reached home and this is when we decided to act differently. My brothers were waiting and my father was there and they all thought that we didn't take it, we went to have lunch and talk and there comes my father and he's wide happy that we got rejected not knowing that we did it, my brothers rush to my mom telling her not to be sad we'll try again next year when my mom turns to my brothers and say oh my dear don't you know we got it, we did it and we are going to the US! My father's face was the funniest thing ever, I think he hates that day now more than he hates the officer who gave us the papers.

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