-New Friends?-

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Word count- 1305 

      Tana texted me last night and asked if I wanted to hang out with her, I said sure. Right now I was getting ready, Logan walked in. "What are you doing today?" He said while running his hands over my back.  "Hanging out with tana we'll probably be shopping." He smiled, I knew Logan was going to set today just like every other day.  

      I asked Evan to borrow his BMW, he said yes and I followed him outside so he could take off the pedal extensions, once he was finished I drove to tanas. "Hey, babe." Tana said getting in, "Hey, so where are we going?" She smiled and pulled out her phone and went on google maps. I started following the directions. We finally arrived it was someone's house.  I didn't think much about it.  We waited till someone opened the door, it was Jason Nash! I started panicking. 

      Tana and I were sitting on a couch, I watched as tana got up and started to leave with Jason. I sat here with tana as they discussed a "date". Scotty asked why I wasn't going, I shrugged. "Well, why don't you come back to my place with me we can meet Tana there," David said I nodded, David got in his Tesla and followed me to Logans, I parked Evans car and left a note in the kitchen telling logan I wasn't going to be home tonight. I walked back out and hopped into Davids car. After about a 20 minute ride we made to his apartment, we went up the elevator to his floor, he mentioned on the way over he had 2 roommates. We walked to the end of the hall and he stopped to open the door. I walked in and took off my shoes I followed him into the living room. David stopped, there were 2 other guys sitting on the couch on their phones. "Guys this is Shey she'll be here for a bit." He said I waved, David walked away down a hall I assumed he was going to his room. I sat down on the couch and a guy with a guy who was wearing a white hat, and brown buzz cut hair. "Hey, I'm Dom." He said in a flirting way.  The other guy lifted his head, "Dom don't you have a girlfriend?" He said with a laugh, "Shhh, bro don't say that. You'll scare her away." He said then facing me again. "Hey I'm Alex, come with me." The other guy said. I will admit he was pretty hot. I followed Alex down the hall and into a bedroom which I assumed was his. He locked the door. I sat on the bed, he sat on the bed opposite to me, "How did David find such a pretty girl like you?" He asked I blushed, "I'm not that pretty." He smiled, "Yes you are." He said making me blush again.  "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked I nodded, I took off my jacket and snuggled up against him before he started the movie he asked if I wanted to borrow some shorts and a shirt. I said sure because my jeans were a little too tight to be laying in.  

    "Look the other way," I instructed Alex, he did so. "No peeking," I said to him he covered his eyes. I watched him as I pulled up the shorts, as I was pulling down his shirt over myself I felt eyes on. Once the shirt was over my head I saw Alex staring at me, he didn't look away. I blushed, I walked over to him and pulled off the shorts I was wearing.  He was still watching me I crawled beside him. He pressed play, I snuggled up against him, I felt all the tension leave his body.  

     About halfway through the movie, my phone went off, Alex paused the movie I reached into my jeans and fished out my phone. A picture of Logan popped up on my screen I slide my thumb across my phone putting the phone up against my ear. "Hello?" I said, "Hey where are you?" Logan said sounding happy. "I'm at Tanas, I'm going to be spending the night," I said, I looked at Alex, he looked really hot. "Ok, ill see you in the morning bye." He said quickly and hanging up before I got to say bye. I went back to Alex's bed and sat there, I quickly checked the security cameras at the house. It took me a minute to locate where Logan was in the house but I found him, the rest of the house was empty but in the gym, I seen Logan and Chantel making out, they moved into the spare bedroom. I assumed the worse. I got up and told Alex I needed to use the washroom, he nodded. I knew he had obviously seen what I had seen. I pulled out my phone I called Logan, no answer. So I facetimed Evan, he picked up. "Hey, Shey whats up?" He asked, I smiled but he probably saw the tears forming in my eyes. "Hey Evan, um I have a favor. " He smiled, "What can I do for you?" I told Evan what I saw on the cameras and he walked out to the gym. He walked in and turned his camera around so I could see what he saw. "Do you hear that?" Evan whispered I nodded. He opened the door, and walked into Logan and Chantel having sex! I was beyond mad, Logan yelled at Evan for entering the room. Evan switched the camera back around and handed Logan his phone, Logan's face went pale when he saw my face I was crying. "How could you?" I asked he started with it isn't what it looked like. "Logan stop." I half yelled, Alex must have heard because he entered the bathroom, I wiped my tears away. "Shey whats wrong?" Alex asked, "Nothing I'm fine." He nodded, "Well ill be in my room." I nodded, I turned my attention back to my phone. "Who the fuck was that?" logan pissed but it isn't like I cared at this moment. "No one." He sighed, "Really Shey after everything we've been through your cheating on me?" I was shocked. "I cheated, oh fuck off logan," I said, he got even madder. "Don't tell me what to do." I shook my head, "Look around Logan you cheated on me, and now you're accusing me of cheated, ill be by tomorrow to get my stuff..." I hung up and wiped away my tears, I walked into Alex's room and explained what happened, he offered to help me move out of logans. "Thank you, Alex," I said looking into his eyes, he leaned in and kissed each other, just as we touched lips David ran in vlogging. "Oh my god, I can't believe I actually got it!" David yelled, "Oh fuck off David that's not going in the vlog." Alex said, David smirked, "Too late!" David sprinted away Alex chased after him. I laughed, I sighed I began to think about my life with Logan where did I go wrong? Did I do something wrong? I thought it was Logan and me against the world. Little did I know he had been fucking around my back the whole time. How could I be so stupid? Why me, what did I do to deserve this? I can't believe it..... 


Hey, so I decide to change it up a bit. I hope that isn't a probably, just a little spoiler Logan and Shey may or may not get back together but rn shes with Alex. If you don't watch Davids vlogs Alex aka. Alex Ernest, he's Davids best friend/ roommate   ***picture above***

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