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  I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I got up and put some short and his hoodie on. I walked down the stairs and turned the corner, I stood against the frame of the entrance to the kitchen. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Ethan said. I smiled walking up behind him, I rested my head on his shoulder. "It's not everyday you see a sexy man naked with an apron on cooking pancakes." He laughed, I watched from the counter as he flipped the pancake over.

   "So are we going to get the kids?" Ethan asked as he pulled down his shirt, I looked at him through the mirror. "I guess." I shrug my shoulders, Ethan knew after i left logan my relationship with my kids have been rocky they're now 15 and they think I have abandoned them.

  "Logan I'm here." I said as I entered his and Chloe's new house. I walked into the kitchen seeing Chloe holding their son Axel. "Hey Chloe." I said smiling. I hugged her as I took a seat waiting for logan. We made small talk when and was inturupted when we heard yelling from upstairs. We both rushed up stairs. I seen the twins and Logan arguing. "Hey." I said breaking the argument. "Hey Shey." logan said giving me a hug. I hugged back, I seen the twins look at me madly, "Hey mom." Xander said, I smiled walking to him giving him a hug. "Hey B." I said turning to my daughter. "Shey." She said with attitude, I don't know what happened to her.

   "Bridget dinner!" I yelled from mine and Ethan's kitchen. Ethan invited Grayson over so I expected the kids to be nice. Boy was I wrong. Bridget was being a brat the whole car ride here. 

    She walked down the stairs and gave me Ethan a fake smile. I rolled my eyes following her into the dinner room. Xander and Grayson were taking and Ethan was setting the plates down. "Thank you." I whispered to Ethan as I took my set next to Grayson.

   "Ew." Bridget said as she picked at her food. I sighed getting up from the table. "Where are you going?" Ethan asked. I glared at him. "Smoke." As I said that I left for outside sitting down on the steps. The door opened and someone sat next to me. "I'm sorry mom." I looked over Xander. "You didn't do anything bud." His head bowed down. "I know but Bridget she's being rude. I know you are trying to be a great mom. It's just she thinks you left to be with Ethan and cheated on dad."
I sighed, "I told you kids you'd understand when you're old I guess now is better than ever." I shrugged putting my cigarette out and walking inside with Xander. Bridget was still sitting at the table. I gave Ethan and look and him and Grayson left the dinning room. I sat down and sighed. "Kids we need to talk about something." They both looked at me.

"I want you to understand something. I love your father very much, but there was a time when I loved him very very much." I smiled. "You're father and I met when I was 19. I had to just moved to la, it's was love at first site, but things turned rocky. We had it rough, we fought and managed to say together. Till one day I couldn't bare it anymore and left. I didnt mean to leave you guy behind it was never my intentions. But you need to know." I stopped. "When I first met logan, he was a sweet simple person. Till we started dating and he started to show his true colours. When we moved into our first apartment together, we had fallen out of touch because of things that had happened to your father, I tried to help but it pushed us farther apart. Then we moved into the old house, that's when everything went wrong. Your dad assumed I was sleeping with your uncle Jake. I wasn't, it was hard to explain what happened between us to you guys but, when your father found out your uncle and I apparently sleeping with each other, he went out and cheated on me. He had a child with another with a girl and I left. I had another boyfriend who didn't work out because I missed your father very much. I ran back to him, things went well for a while then he fell back into old habits he started to cheat on me again. He didn't so much I left again. The I found I was pregnant with you guys. Those 9 months your father left me and slept around. He left me, once you guys were born I got an acting job. I left your father and took you guys with me. I thought I lost your father but he found us and took you guys from me. He wanted me to come back but I couldn't do it. We got married before you guys were born and he still cheated and did stupid things." I took a breath as a tear slipped out of my eye. "I-i, left. I left you guys behind. I'm trying to change that I never meant for things to happen like this I'm sorry." I look up and seen both of my baby's crying I felt crushed. "But your father is happy with Chloé and I'm happy with Ethan. I just wished you guys could understand." I said as I started to get up from the table. "I'm sorry." Bridget said, she wasn't being rude about it. I smiled and hugged her and Xander, Ethan walked back into the dinning room and had puffy eyes. I got up from the kids and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry Ethan." Bridget said getting up to hug ethan. I was happy for once, I'm genuinely happy. I don't have to act happy anymore. I love Ethan very much, Logan and I were young love that didnt last, we were never meant to be but we kept trying. I admit he was amazing but Ethan makes me happy.

"Goodnight mom love you." Bridget and Xander said as they walked up to their bedrooms, I smiled and rested my head on Ethan. Grayson left a while ago so Ethan and the kids and I watched movies till they started to get tired. "I love you." Ethan said kissing my head. I looked up to him smiled, "I love you too Dolan." He laughed, Ethan and Grayson still make video and claim they will never stop, i admire his work ethic. It was one of the many things I admire about him. I get up to go see the kids. As I walked up the stairs I hear laughing. I shake my head, "knock knock." I said as I walked into Xander's room. "Oh hey mom." He said smiling. "Whatcha watching?" I said as I sat beside him on his bed. I shot up I noticed right away what show he was watching. "No..." I said I as I shut his laptop. He looked at me weirdly. "Mom?" I smiled. "Xander why are you watching shameless?" I said getting up, he laughed. "Because I want to know what it was about, it's funny." I smiled, "well bud I hate to tell you this but there's a lot of sex." He laughed. "Mom I'm fifteen I think I can handle it." I laughed and walked out of his room. I walked into B's room and she was fast asleep I smiled kissing her head. I walked out and headed to Ethan and I's room he was already sitting on the bed. "Hey." He said as he was pulling his jeans off. "Hi." I said smiling, I walked into the closet pulling out one of Ethan's sweaters. I pulled my clothes off and hopped in the shower.

"Ethan." I said as I rolled over to look at him. Our foreheads touched as I started to talk. "Will you hurt me?" He chuckled. "Of course not. I love you Shey. I really do." I smiled kissing his soft plump lips. "Do you remember that time in my parents house when we were younger. You had been in the shower and you forgot a towel and tried running to your room but I caught you?" I smiled laughing. "How could I not you couldn't stop looking at me for the rest of the night." He smiled. "How could I not look at you." I bit my lip. "Look at you." I ran my fingers up down his strong forearm. He laughed kissing my forehead. "Goodnight Shey." I pecked his lips "good night Ethan." I love this man; I thought to myself.


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