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*Past Month before they broke up again*   

   Today was the big day Logan and I are flying Ohio to tell his parents about the kids! I was watching 13 Reasons Why, while Logan slept. I thought I heard my phone go off so I looked around and seen Logans's phone lit up in his pocket, I looked to make sure I wasn't someone important. As far as I'm concerned it wasn't it was a text and when I read it I felt broken:
Chloé💗: Hey! Logan I'm so happy you decided that you were coming back out to LA, I missed you! And after that last week I spent with you, I think you should just drop Shey"

   Oh my fucking god Logan and Chloe were together when Logan and I broke up? I shook Logan awake and held his phone out for him to read the text. He had the same expression on his face, when he read who the text was from. "Let me explain first!" Logan told me, "Yes ok, Chloé and I were together!" He looked at me and he held his index finger and his thumb on my chin and lifted my chin, "Babe, I would never hurt you not again at least not after what I did to you!" I glared at him not believing him. 

   We finally got to Ohio and first things first we went to his mom to put our things away. We were in the Uber, and Logan asked me a question. "Do you love me still?" He looked to me, "Of course i do just because you made a few mistakes doesn't mean I don't love you!" I looked to him and smiled lightly.

   *present day*

"Shey wake up!" I shot up out of my bed in my trailer. "I'm up!" I yelled back to whoever. I checked the time and yawned, I didn't bother to change I just slipped on my flip-flops and ran out the trailer door.

"Alright, so Emmy I want you and Jeremy to stand there. Then Ethan and Shey will walk in over here then you'll all sit around Emma, got it?" We all nodded. "And action!" I stood with Ethan as we prepared to walk around the corner. "Debs we needa talk," Emmy said. "I'm not going." I mentally sighed trying to think of my line.

*in the tv show?*

"Common Debs it isn't that bad, I've been before," I said to the Gallagher's, they all looked at me. "What there have been some close calls." Carl nudged my side. "What I mean if you're going to be fine." Debbie didn't seem to relax about the situation. "I'll take you today to make sure you're sure about this." She nodded.

"Here we are," I told Debbie as we pulled up to the Pharmacy. "I don't know Erica. What if they don't like me." I smiled, "Debs the people here are sweet they'll love you." She smiled. We walked in and she started to look around. I walked up to the counter. "Hi, can I get a prescription refill for Erica Henderson?" The lady behind the counter smiled. "Just the Olanzapine (Zyprexa)?" I nodded. She walked away and told me it would be about twenty minutes. I was walking around and Debbie came up behind me. "Erica you know Zyprexa is for people who suffer from being Bipolar right?" I nodded, she didn't seem satisfied with my nod. "Debbie I'm Bipolar. I know what it's like. The pills are keeping me sane." She nodded and walked away. I assumed she'd already talked to the pharmacist about starting the pills Monday. All I knew is Debbie can't tell anyone.

*Normal POV?*

I sighed as I walked off set and walked to the hair and makeup trailer. "Hello?" I said into my phone. "Hey.." as if today could have gotten any better? "Yes, logan what do you want." I walked up the steps to the trailer. "Shey listen to me. Let's have dinner tonight." I sighed walking in. "Logan the kids." I was trying to keep this conversation short because I don't why but I find myself mad every time I talk to him now. I find myself tired now all the time. "I have to go bye." I hung up the phone before he got the chance to say anything else. I sat down in the chair and allowed the girl to do their job.

    I walked onto the set and sat beside Ethan while everyone was setting up. Ethan and I were going to do the introduction of to days episode.

   "I have a sex addict boyfriend and I was still here last week for shameless. Fuck is ur problem? Get your shit together." I sighed repeating my line for the millionth time today. I readjusted and got ready for Paul the director to call action.

   I signed knowing today is going to be very long.  As i sat down in the kitchen set I got a phone call.  "Hello, Shey speaking." I waited for a response. "Hi mommy." I nearly started to cry. "Hi baby." I smiled speaking into the phone. "Baby can you put daddy on the phone?" I heard shuffling on the other end. "Hello." I cringed at the sound of his voice. "Listen logan I'll do whatever you want just let me see the kids." I heard him chuckling. "Alright come back home." I sighed. "Fine." I hung up the phone and slammed it down. I was tired of his constant bullshit. If this is what it takes to see my kids than I will do whatever I can to see them.
*that night*

"Hello?" I sang entering the house. I beards tiny feet hitting the floor, I smiled when I seen my baby's running towards me. "Mommy!" I smiled picking up Bridget as Xander held my leg. "Mommy come meet aunt Chloe." Xander said as he pulled my hand towards the kitchen. I set Bridget down when I seen Logan standing at the island and Chloe was sitting on one of the chairs. "Hi." I extended my hand out to shake Chloe's hand. "No way logan didn't tell you were Erica from Shameless!" I smiled and thanked her. Chloe wasn't that bad it's just she had been in the wrong places at the wrong times. "Sooo?" I said as I looked to Logan I was still mad at him but I refused to yell at him in front of the kids. "Hey guys why don't you go show aunt Chloe the fish pond?" Logan kneeled down to the kids. They ran out of the house pulling Chloe along. "Aunt Chloe huh?" I said I walked up the stairs since I'm here might as well get the rest of my shit. "Listen Shey, I miss you. The kids miss you." I sighed getting back up and stood in front of logan. "I know they miss me and I miss them. But you! Haha. You are a different story logan." I faked a smile and went back to packing. "Oh my god why must you alway make everything into an argument?" He ran his fingers through his hair. "Logan! I was there when you went through some shit. I have been there since day one. I stayed through every thing! Not once where you there for me, you were too busy trying to find the next good fuck." I laughed historically my laughs soon turned into tears. "Shey I'm sorry, I am this time. I've learned my lesson. I just need you back." I laughed wiping the tears from my face. "As if I haven't heard that one before." I was about to walk out when I looked at Logan. "I want a divorce."  I walked away and I don't plan on ever coming back.

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