-Make it To Me-

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      'Is this the right decision? Shey don't talk like that! Not now!'  My thoughts flood my mind as I look down the aisle. Let's start with how I got here, shall we?

    It started and ended when I left LA, I found myself in New York.  It had been over a month since I left LA,  but somehow LA followed me to New York. I was walking out of a coffee shop when I ran into someone. My coffee spilled everywhere, I looked up only to find the one person I tried to avoid. "I'm, sorry! I have to go!" I said quickly running away, in the middle of the street Logan gripped his hand around my wrist pulling me back. He pulled me into his chest, tears began to fall from my face. I wasn't prepared to see him, I started to lightly hit my fist against his chest trying to break free but it was no use he was too strong. He didn't look noticeable considering he's gotten a haircut and it doesn't look bad. I just wish I didn't have to see him right at that moment. 

    After then we started to talk again, I realized why I fell in love with him. We'd been together for awhile after New York and it was nice to be back in LA, It was so much fun to see Logan happy again.  We'd been on a date and it was going amazing but little did i know my life was going to change. Logan had set up a nice little table in the back yard surrounded by little lights it was perfect.  Half way through our dinner, he'd dropped his fork. I reached down the get it, when i came back up Logan was beside me on one knee. Tears filled my eyes as he pulled out a velvet box and asked. "Shey will you marry me?" I nodded unable to speak. He slipped the ring on my finger.

    "Shey are you ok?" Mark asked me, i was pulled out of my thoughts. I heard the music to start that was our que. Mark and i linked arms and made our way down the asliel. 

    I remember one night logan and I had, it was our last night in New York. It was a late night, Logan and I were at his little hotel room. We were in the middle of watching a movie. I was almost asleep, "Babe, how much do you love me?" Logan asked you, "What do you mean?" I said yawning. "I love you to infinity and beyond!" I said making Logan laugh. Logan started to pick me up. "Woah, woah, what do you think your doing?!!" I whispered/yelled gripping on to his shirt. "Your tried aren't you?" He asked, "yes." I  looked deep in to his eyes. "Ok well I'm taking you bedroom." He had a smirk on his face.

     He gently put me on the bed, I  soon got covered and curled up in to a ball. "Where are you going?" I asked Logan as he stood in the door way. "To the couch." He looked at me with a concerned look, "No you can't sleep on the couch, this is your hotel room." I paused thinking of what to say. "Don't let me get in you way of anything." I smiled to him and as he made his way to the bed, but he walked passed it. I watched as he took of his sweater and sat down in the chair. "Logan! Come on." I patted the bed beside me, he got up and laid beside me. "Better?" He asked you. "Much!" I smiled to him playing with his hair. "I love you Shey." Logan said kissing my nose. "I know and I love you too!" I leaned in pressing you lips to his lips, and gave him a deep passionate kiss. "Hhhm!" I heard from the door way, your head shot to the door! "Brendon man way till kill the mood!" Logan yelled Brendon. "Sorry bro chill." Brendon said walking away laughing. "Where were we?" He asked me, "right about here I think?" I got out from underneath the cover and straddle his hips and leaned down to touch our lips together once again.

   "Shey." The minster asked. I nodded and cleared my throat "I, Shey Donher, take you, Logan Paul, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." I said, "Do you Logan take Shey to be you're lawfully wedded wife?" The minster asked. "I do." Logan said on the verge of tears. I slipped the ring on Logan's finger.
   "By the powers vested in me and by the state of California I now present to you for the first time. Mr. And Mrs. Logan Paul. You may now kiss the bride" Everyone cheered and clapped. It was perfect.
Sorry the chapter is kinda weak but it would mean a lot if you guys showed some love to my new book!!!! "Devoted To The Bad Boy//Heath Hussar" thanks!!

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