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 I was laying in my bed listing to she will be Dead by Madison Beer thinking of Logan. We weren't on good terms by any means, I didn't think Logan could stand me after the whole fight thing. It was different from what I felt before when we would fight. I missed Logan miserably and I don't know why right now Logan was all the way back in Ohio for two weeks.

While sitting and think something struck me to be spontaneous, as of right now i was living by myself. I had been the reason for his pretty tough mental state, so I didn't see a lot of Logan around before he left. I assumed he left because of me.

I hoped in my car blasting the same Madison Beer song. I pulled up to Logan's house and parked my car as I got out, I checked my phone it was 2:30 in the morning. I walked up to the fence and walked to the door, I entered the passcode. I unlocked the door and walked around, I don't quite understand why I decided to come here but I was ready for something.

I walked into his room, I walked over to the closet and pulled one of his infamous t-shirts. I stripped putting it on, I crawled into Logan's bed it smelled like him. I don't understand this strange arising feel I got but it lead me here.

I feel asleep and my thoughts woke me up. I use to lay in this same bed beside him, someone moved the covers. I got scared and curled up and covered myself I slowly opened my eyes to see Logan. He had a displeasing look on his face, "How long have you been here?" I asked, nevertheless Logan was quick with a comeback. "I could ask you the same thing Shey, this is my house after all." He said with a stone cold look. He slowly crawled on to the bed, taking the shirt I had on- off.  I sat up and sat criss-cross, in Logan's lap. He faced me as we touched foreheads, I creeped my hands up his chest resting them in his beard area, he wrapped his arms around my back pulling me closer. I licked my lips drawing his lips to mine.

 "So tell me why were you in my house?" Logan asked, I laughed. I got up and straddled his hips and bent down to touch his lips. "I was feeling like something or someone was missing in my life, so I came here. And it turns out you were the one I needed." I smiled pecking his lips. He smiled but his smile faded, he soon had a look of realization. He pushed me off and threw my clothes at me. "GET OUT!" He yelled I was in shock. I got dressed and stormed out. "Listen, Logan! Im so fucking sorry that I've ruined whatever happened by telling you my true feelings. No, actually I'm not! You're a self-centered asshole. I now see why Chloe wanted to leave you." I said I reached for the handle. "What did you say?" Logan said as he came closer. "I said now I see why Chloe wanted to you leave your stupid ass!" I yelled on the verge of tears. He towered me, he closed the space between us, before I knew it I felt the impact of a slap come across my face. I was in shock as I grabbed my face, Logan realized what he had done but by that time it was too late I had already left.

I ran to my car, I drove off crying, I pulled up to my complex. I sat in my car for a good hour crying before I seen Logan again. I watched him from my parking spot as he walked up to my door knocking. He sat down on the steps crying. I set my head down on the steering wheel as I the tears rushed out of me, I quickly shot my head up as I heard something hitting the top of my car, I saw a light shower of rain casting the sky, Logan was getting wet. I grabbed my car keys and got out of the car covering my head with my bag. I stood in front if Logan, he slowly raised his head, i saw his eyes they were red from crying. I couldn't even imagine how I looked. I walked past Logan into my house, I set my bag down shutting the door. I walked into my room stripping down getting into the shower.

I was just finalizing the finishing touches of my dinner. I walked over to the door and seen Logan was still sitting there, I was taken back for almost six hours he has sat there. I quickly grabbed the food and a blanket and walked out the front door handing Logan food and the blanket I wrapped us around In the blanket. We sat quietly eating the food before I spoke up, "why are you here?" I said looking at the clouds, Logan looked at me then to the clouds. "I came to apologize, I wasn't thinking." I looked at him. "How do you explain kicking me out after a magical time together?" He looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry. It was truly amazing I loved every second with you. I just came to a realization that i can't live without you." I was baffled. "That doesn't explain your reasoning for the sudden outburst."  I looked down to my feet. "Shey i have something to tell you." I looked up to him, i waited for him to continue. "Well the other day i had Chloe come over, and needless to say i left for Ohio because i did something terrible." I looked at him to continue. "I made a vow to you the day i took your hand in marriage to be with you through everything, I got bored and i slept with Chloe." I was in complete shock, how did I not see this coming. "You did?" I asked quietly. "Yes." He lowered his head, he looked back up. "I completely understand if you never want to see again." I nodded, "How can you say you cant live without me? If you pull this shit!" I was calm at first, then i snapped. "You know what Logan your right i don't want to see you ever again!" You can take this ring and shove it up your ass for all i fucking care." I paused and tossed my ring to him. "Don't contact me." I slammed the door shut and slid down the wall as i quietly cried to myself.  

    Could this mean I and Logan are over forever? I can never come back from this, he betrayed me, he cheated. How could he? How could he say he was bored with me?  

   Should i make a book part 2? Leave a vote if i should.

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