Characters: Sister!Reader, Sam, Dean (+ a surprise character at the end)
Word Count: 562
Summary: Based on this imagine by @/spn-imagines-nation on Tumblr: Your brother Sam telling Dean about your new boyfriend.
Warnings: fluff (sort of)
A/N: There will probably be a part two to this one.
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The bunker door shuts behind you with a metallic thud; the stairs clang under your footsteps.
"...she knows better than that," Sam's voice echoes across the war room.
"I know," Dean replies. "Doesn't mean I gotta like the guy."
You can't keep the faintest hint of a remaining smile from your face as you stride into the library. "Don't have to like who?"
Sam look up at you from behind his laptop with a mischievous grin. "Oh, no one," he shrugs. "Just telling Dean here about your boyfriend."
You pause mid-step. "My what?"
"Come on, (Y/N). I know you've been sneaking out every night," Sam says. "And then you come back all smiley and chipper."
"It means happ–"
"I know what it means, Sammy," you interrupt. "It's just that you're the first person to use it since 1962."
He rolls his eyes as you ruffle his hair, a gesture you can only make while he sits down now that he towers over you standing.
"And what I do in my free time is none of your business," you add.
Dean sets his coffee mug down on the table and crosses his arms over his chest. "You're right. It's mine."
"Well, you need to get your eyes checked. I don't have a boyfriend."
"Yeah? Then who've you been sneaking off to every free minute?" Dean questions.
You run a hand through your own hair, letting out a dramatic sigh.
"Look, (Y/N), we're just curious. Aren't we?" He shoots a pointed look at Dean.
"He's curious," Dean corrects. "I'm ready to punch someone's lights out."
You chuckle at his quick temper. "And you'll always be my favorite big brother, Dean –"
"I'm your only big brother," he deadpans.
"My point exactly," you say. "But you can take your overprotection and shove it up your ass."
"All right, all right," Sam cuts in.
You pull up a chair across from them, wishing you had the mind to be more careful leaving the bunker.
"You don't date a lot," Sam points out. "Or at all. I mean, you haven't so much as hooked up with a guy, as far as I know. But these past few months, you seem– I don't know... happier."
Dean unfolds his arms, his face softening. "He's right. If there is a guy, we just want you to be honest with us."
Your eyes dart between the two of them, the people who know you better than anyone. You trust them with your life, so why are your nerves on fire now?
"Fine," you sigh. "I am seeing someone. Why don't the four of us grab a burger or something?"
You step into the diner and spot the back of the boys' heads right away, towering over the bench of a booth, leaving the one across the table empty. The afternoon sunlight filters in through the window next to them.
A hand slips into yours, and deep green eyes meet yours.
"You ready, babe?"
You can hear your heartbeat echoing in your ears, and your palms sweat, but you nod. Leading you both across the room, you swallow back your nerves and force one foot in front of the other.
As you approach their booth, your stomach unknots. You take the opportunity before you lose your nerve to cross into their vision. No going back now.
Almost in unison, their eyes lift to you before darting to the figure beside you.
Sam furrows his brows in confusion at first, but realization passes over his face.
Dean's jaw drops slightly. He is the first to speak.