Lovers' Quarrel (Sam x Reader)

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Characters: Sam x Reader, Bobby, Dean

Word Count: 2795

Summary: Request from @/ifandomlover on Tumblr: Could you do a oneshot where souless sam hurts you very bad so you end up in the hospital and after he has his soul back he goes to apologize please?

Starts during the part in 6.11 when Sam is trying to kill Bobby.

Warnings: expected amount of angst plus an extra dose at the end because I'm me

A/N: In celebration of the birthday of the brilliantly talented actor who has probably played more characters and character variations on Supernatural than anyone, including his character without a soul. Happy birthday, Jared!


You pinch your arm and open your eyes

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You pinch your arm and open your eyes.

Not dreaming.

The six-month long nightmare of Sam without his soul continues, even in the sanctuary of Bobby's house, the place you've come to call home.

You creep from the grimy tile of the kitchen into the library, darting your eyes in all directions of the darkened house, ears tuned to creaks in the floorboards and changes in the air.

As you back into the room, an arm restrains you from behind. You scream, but the call doesn't pass the hand covering your mouth.

"Shh, shh—it's me," Bobby hisses into your ear.

You relax the moment you hear his voice. He removes his arms, and you turn to face him.

"Listen to me. There's a closet down that hall." He points to one corner of the house. "Get inside and lock the door. I'll lure him away."

"Are you crazy? You're the one he's after," you hiss. "You hide. I'll distract him."

Before you can leave, he catches your arm in his hand. "The hell you will."

As he says the words, a thump echoes from the bottom of the stairwell.

"Damn it, Bobby! Just do it," you mutter, shoving him toward the hall.

He hesitates, but you watch him until he disappears around the corner before you turn around to find Sam bursting into the room.

You gasp and stagger backward. A twinge pierces your heart at the sight of him, so different from your Sam, the one who smiled softly and kissed you gently. The one you wish you had fighting by your side now.

"Where is he?" the man in front of you demands.

You scoff, though your voice shakes. "You're kidding, right?"

"I don't want to hurt you, (Y/N), but you need to let me do this," he insists.

"Let you kill Bobby?" you spit. "Not a chance."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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