Summary: Requested by @/jesssuperwholock03 on Tumblr: I request a imagine about a badass short reader where she loves Dean and she thinks that she isn't good enough for him, but he secretly feels the same way and is too scared to admit it, and Dean locks himself in his room and she finally breaks in and he admits everything and she sings "Locked Away" by R. City and she admits that she feels like she isn't good enough for him and they admit their feelings and get together?
Warnings: a little angst, not a lot of plot outside the slightly cliché romantic storyline
A/N: I didn't do the song thing because (I'm sorry, but) I think it's kind of cheesy. It's cute, just not the kind of thing I personally like reading or writing.
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Sam sits at the kitchen table when you stumble into the room.
"We got something," he says over his computer screen.
"Good morning to you, too," you sigh, sloshing liquid from the half-full coffee pot into your mug. "I slept well, thanks for asking. And yes, the weather is looking lovely today."
"We live in a windowless bunker," he says.
You blink at him. "Sam, you're my best friend in the world, but I haven't had enough coffee to deal with you yet."
The two of you chuckle at each other as you raise the cup to your lips.
Dean ambles through the doorway, and you glance in his direction before you can stop yourself.
"Morning," he mumbles.
"Hey," Sam greets, eyes drifting back to his laptop.
Dean watches you glance away too quickly for him to catch your eye. It doesn't surprise him, though.
"Uh, hey," you mutter.
He shuffles toward where you stand near the coffee pot, but you practically leap out of the way, heading to the table to sit across from Sam.
He can't remember when he first noticed you'd been distancing yourself from him. It's been long enough for him to know he hates it. Long enough to know you're not just having a bad morning. You were laughing with Sam when he came in, after all.
Dean rubs a hand over his sleep-strained eyes and pours his coffee.
"You said you got something?" you say to Sam.
The words light a spark in Sam's eyes, and he turns his computer so the screen faces you and Dean. "We've got three accidental deaths in a town in Idaho in the past two weeks."
Dean roams to the table and sips his coffee, burning his throat. "And you think it's our kind of thing?"
Sam smirks at him. "They were all accidentally decapitated."