Characters: Charlie x Winchester sister!Reader, Dean, Sam
Word Count: 833
Summary: You face the boys' reactions when they find out the person you're involved with bears a familiar face.
A/N: I was pretty proud of Sneaking Out. I hope this second part does it justice.
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You watch the sun rise to illuminate the dark sky and to allow light to filter through the windows of the bedroom. Unable to fall asleep again, you let your mind wander to the new day, the changes it will bring.
Charlie stirs in your arms, and her bright green eyes blink up into yours. You press your lips to her forehead.
When she stretches, you can see her toes peeking out from under the light blue covers. "Hi," she yawns, letting her eyes fall shut, though she runs her fingers through your hair over and over.
"'Morning," you mumble.
Eyes still closed, she voices the thought that kept you awake all morning. "Today's the day."
The case you and the boys picked up delayed the meeting and kept you anxious and on edge for the past few days, and now that the time has come, all of the nerves you felt seem to be compressed into a few short hours.
"Today's the day," you repeat, a slight tremble in your voice.
She opens her eyes now. "You know, it doesn't have to be. We can take a rain check, wait until you're ready."
"I am ready," you say. "And I love you. I can't keep hiding it from them – they're my brothers."
"Exactly. Sam and Dean love you." She lowers the hand she runs through your hair to cup your cheek. "And so do I. It's going to be fine."
You bring your hand up to meet hers. "You're right. I know you're right." Placing a kiss on the back of the hand she wraps around yours, you climb out of bed, ready to face the day.
As you approach their booth, your stomach unknots. You take the opportunity before you lose your nerve to cross into their vision. No going back now.
Almost in unison, their eyes lift to you before darting to the figure beside you.
Sam furrows his brows in confusion at first, but realization passes over his face.
Dean's jaw drops slightly. He is the first to speak.
For longer than you care to admit, you consider bolting. Leaving her and the boys at the diner and racing out the door to... to Canada. Yeah, you think, Canada is nice this time of year.
Only Charlie's hand in yours keeps your feet planted beside the boys' corner booth.
"What's up, bitches?" she greets, pulling you with her into the empty bench across from theirs as if she knows your thoughts, which you suspect she does.
A wide grin replaces the look of confusion on Sam's face, so quickly you fear he thinks it's a joke.
Dean's eyes dart between you and Charlie, unblinking, his lips still parted in surprise. Beyond the shock, his expression remains unreadable. In his eyes, you think you see... fear? Betrayal, maybe.
"So, I– uh... Well, we... There's something I, uh–"
All the books and articles and advice from Charlie escapes your mind. You can't focus on anything but the thought of how furious or disappointed they could be, of how much you could change through their eyes.
But Charlie's grip tightens around yours, pulling you back to the diner, where Sam and Dean watch you expectantly. You draw strength and courage from Charlie's presence beside you, from the immeasurable love contained within this small orange booth.
You take a deep breath and raise your eyes to the boys. "Charlie and I... are together."
Sam still wears a smile, but you recognize a glimmer of pride in his eyes along with it.
Your heart drops into your stomach when you hear Dean, beside him, huff out a sigh. He reaches into his pocket and fishes out his wallet. You imagine him tossing a bill on the table for the coffee and taking a cold leave from the diner, as you have seen him do before.
"Damn it, (Y/N)," he mutters. "You couldn't have waited two freaking days?"
He hands a twenty to Sam, whose smile turns smug as he takes the bill from his brother.
"Wait a second – you bet that she was a lesbian?" Charlie questions.
"Of course not," he says. "I bet that she would tell us within the week."
She wears a wide-eyed expression you imagine mirrors yours, but it turns into a light laugh before you can process their words.
"The Charlie thing, we didn't see coming," Dean admits.
Gaping, you continue to glance between the two of them. "How did you know?" you ask, when you find your voice again.
Sam chuckles at your question. "You're our sister. It's our job to know."
When the waitress stops by the table, Dean orders a round of burgers.
You clear your throat and blink away relieved tears before they form, knowing you would never live it down if you let them fall. "So, you guys are, you know, okay with it?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" Sam says.
"At least this way, I don't have to worry about you ending up with some dick at a biker joint," Dean adds. "In fact, I think I'm more scared for her than I am for you."
Laughing, you relax against Charlie's shoulder, feeling her shake with laughter as well. "I told you," she whispers into your hair, pulling you closer as if to prove her point.
"So, I guess that means we'll get to see you around the bunker more often, huh?" Sam says to her.
She turns her head and pressed her upturned lips into yours.
A/N: Obviously, like, 0.2% of coming out stories will be like this one, but this is something along the lines of what it was like for me to come out to my close group of friends back in high school.
If you're struggling to come out to friends or family, or with anything at all, feel free to talk to me! I'm no expert, but I can provide emotional support and a whole bunch of what-not-to-do's.